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2024/04/06 v10.30
  • Advanced Clipper: Fully redesigned intermodulation distortion and level protections. Sounds more natural, louder, cleaner, and punchier.
  • RDS: Added RDS2 support (for station logo's only, for now).
  • RDS: Added support for UTF8 input for characters like æ ø å.
  • Adaptive compressors and AGC: Slightly optimized the code for performance.
  • Added numbers to duplicate sound card names to separate them.
  • Reduced address space (not the same as memory usage) by about 30 MB (measured on Windows).
  • Reduced memory usage for the GUI.
  • GUI: Code optimized, CPU is about 40% lower on the meter overview page, 75% lower on pages with very few moving elements.
  • GUI: Allowing setting sliders to out-of-range values, via entering values or JSON interface.
  • GUI: Advanced Clipper: Cleaned up and renamed many settings, mainly in the IMD protection subpage.
  • GUI: If you import a preset but don't load it, an warning is shown.
  • GUI: Improved text drawing (color selected depending on background etc.).
  • GUI: For widgets at default values, the default is no longer hidden in the context menu, but shown disabled.
  • GUI: Several fixes for VST plugin sizing.
  • GUI: Fixed widget height issue, restored the original heights from a few releases ago.
  • GUI: Closing a question now properly chooses the "cancel"/"no" option if there is any, instead of just closing it.
  • GUI: The last visited page is now stored correctly, even when user accounts have been enabled and a user is logged out.
  • GUI: Rewrote meters code.
  • GUI: Scale lines and medians in meters now have the correct location (could be off by a few pixels).
  • GUI: Fixed resizing the left navigation menu when a modal page is open.
  • GUI: Drop-down menus now properly shorten their contents when they become too large.
  • GUI: Elements with a non-opaque background should now redraw only once (instead of multiple times, which caused graphical artifacts).
  • GUI: Page titles are no longer scrolling away if you scroll down on a page.
  • GUI: Skinning and sizes: Page header font and normal header font have been merged.
  • GUI: Skinning and sizes: Compactness and spacing size have been merged.
  • GUI: Several small tweaks in spacing and alignment.
  • GUI: Added True Bass and Bass Exciter metering.
  • GUI: Linux: File dialogs on one Linux repo was unusable, fixed.
  • GUI: macOS: Optimized code that actually draws the widgets on screen.
  • GUI: macOS: Proper Retina display support, looks much sharper.
  • GUI: macOS: Coloring fixed (no more flickering while resizing).
  • GUI: Multi-instance: There is now 1 window; instances don't have separate windows anymore.
  • GUI: Multi-instance: New and improved overview screen for ST-Enterprise.
  • GUI: Multi-instance: Instances can now be completely removed, including their settings (a backup is kept).
  • GUI: Multi-instance: If no instance name is set, we display "Instance #" without setting the actual title.
  • GUI: Multi-instance overview now houses all settings that are not instance-specific.
  • GUI: Multi-instance overview now supports block view alongside list view.
  • GUI: Multi-instance overview alignment tweaked.
  • GUI: Multi-instance overview is now responsive before loading instances instead of after.
  • GUI: Multi-instance performance for more than one instance vastly improved.
  • GUI: Multi-instance window title now properly displays the active instance name.
  • Web interface: Reduced functionality of the overview screen for ST-Enterprise due to the redesign; this will be improved later.
  • Web interface: Support for skinning and resizing added.
  • Web interface: Fixed security issue for JSON in combination with password protection.
  • Web interface: Added support for http and https proxy servers; the data can now be routed through those. Add /stereotool/ before our part of the URL.
  • Web interface: Rewrote meters code.
  • Web interface: Many updates and improvements.
  • Linux builds: Removed dependency that caused issues on some Linux distro's.
  • Bug fix: "Turn off unlicensed features" did not turn off AGC or compressors Adaptive mode.
  • Bug fix: Linux: Using Jack could cause crashes on very old Linux distro's (seen on Ubuntu 2016).
  • Bug fix: GUI: Crash in VST plugin in Ocen Audio fixed, caused by window size issues.
  • Bug fix: Very occasionally, when only processing for FM, a small chunk of HD output would be generated and then discarded.
  • Bug fix: Password protection didn't work between native and web interface in non-Enterprise builds.
  • Bug fix: libStereoTool: Return value of GetLicensed library function was wrong. The returned text was fine.
  • Bug fix: CPU mask settings cannot be saved in VST plugins. Removed them.
  • Bug fix: Pressing "enter" randomly selected a text field.
  • Bug fix: GUI: In rare circumstances (edge cases), the display could "flip out", changing its layout constantly.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Clipper: Fixed bug that could cause complete removal of bass due to division by 0 (which has been there for years).
  • VST plugins: Rewrote and simplified window size and DPI code.
  • VST plugins: Color settings could end up looping after changing them. The lowest blue bit is now removed.
  • VST plugins: Adding protection against hosts that break the settings and try to set font sizes to 0.
  • Added --full-version command line option to output full version info including beta versions.
  • DHD version of Stereo Tool logs to syslog instead of its own log files.
  • Updated presets.
  • Firmware is updated for the Raspberry Pi 5, but due to driver issues the new image is not yet released.
  • STXtreme: Different instances are now accessible on the front panel.
  • MicroMPX encoder: Added support for audio devices that only support 2-channel mode (it was using 1-channel mode).
  • MicroMPX decoder: Improved CPU performance with about 1%, and no longer writing MicroMPX+ data fields in MicroMPX mode.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Added dynamic thread priority behavior to prevent dropouts during error recovery on machines with very low CPU power.
  • STAMP: Fixed licensing bug, caused automatic licensing to fail.
  • 2024/01/21 v10.21
  • Bug fix: Wrong (nonexistent) language selection could cause crashes.
  • Bug fix: Console version was reading from wrong settings file by default (~/stereo_tool instead of ~/.stereo_tool.rc on Linux/Mac).
  • Bug fix: Omnia.SST licensing was broken in recent versions, possibly other products as well.
  • Bug fix: Omnia.SST misbehaved, always tried to apply SSB mode even if that was disabled.
  • Bug fix: Command line version could output a message to stdout, which could interfere with streaming input to output in programs like LiquidSoap.
  • Bug fix: Generic plugin: Closing the GUI didn't work properly since version 10.00, causing problems with mAirList (and possibly other hosts).
  • Bug fix: Generic plugin: API broke due to missing function exports in 10.00. Built-in preset functions are no longer supported, now return false.
  • Generic plugin: Removed Full Screen/Height modes.
  • Optimized scanning of built-in presets, mainly to speed up startup.
  • Optimized scanning of saved presets, mainly to speed up startup.
  • Cleaned up GUI code, made it a bit faster and use a bit less memory.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Since version 4.2.1 (ST 10.11), decoder could have dropouts every 6h12m46s for certain settings. Was fixed in 4.2.2, but 1 edge case remained.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Seting a password, then turning password protection off crashed.
  • 2024/01/08 v10.20
  • Made new "Adaptive" compressor mode, which adjusts its behavior and internal settings based on the input signal.
  • GUI: 2nd meter bar color was always orange, but must be less bright version of main color for input gain, MPX out etc.
  • Added GPO to MicroMPX encoder in Stereo Tool, compatible with Omnia.9, 2wcom and Tieline.
  • GUI: Compressor "Relative stop threshold" must have OFF state on the left instead of on the right (both ends now for compatibility).
  • GUI: "Band coupling" display no longer jumps to bottom when it's set > 0.
  • GUI: Improved metering update code, looks smoother (bars and scopes may have more updates per second now).
  • GUI: Multiband bands display made empty if there's no audio data yet.
  • GUI: Presets: Optimized code when adding new files, should be much faster (especially if the list of presets is long).
  • GUI: Presets: Control+F jumps to search bar.
  • GUI: Improved scrolling, also better Mac scrolling support.
  • GUI: Sliders no longer need to be clicked before they can scroll.
  • GUI: Improved drop down sizing.
  • GUI: Slider dragging behaviour in precise-mode tweaked.
  • GUI: Slider scrolling behaviour in precise-mode (i.e. with Ctrl pressed) fixed.
  • GUI: Slider click location fixed when slider is only partially shown (e.g. in scrolled page).
  • GUI: Preset cards are now always aligned in a grid (i.e. same number of cards on every line).
  • GUI: Mac users can now properly scroll using the trackpad.
  • GUI: Mac up/down arrows are no longer inverted.
  • GUI: Fixed dropdown sizing.
  • GUI: Scrolling steps when scrolling a page no longer depend on how much of the page is visible.
  • GUI: Optimized scanning of presets after a load or save.
  • GUI: Preset cards now try to show the entire author and preset name before being aligned in a grid.
  • GUI: Sliders no longer get accidentally changed when the page they are on is being scrolled.
  • GUI: When folding the entire page with Ctrl+Shift+'-' the basic settings in multi-band filters are no longer folded as well.
  • GUI: The minimum size of the entire application now accounts for the shrinking of the meter bar.
  • GUI: Full support for translations is back now (was gone since version 10.00).
  • GUI: Many more texts can now be translated (warnings, value units).
  • GUI: Fixed margins between top bar buttons.
  • GUI: Fixed sideways scrolling on pages with a meter bar.
  • GUI: Brought back the missing "Don't show this warning again" text in some warnings.
  • GUI: Upgraded context menus: hide reset options that aren't relevant, and always show target value.
  • GUI: "Type a value" on a slider gives a textfield that now properly reverts back to a slider when it loses focus.
  • GUI: Using escape or the cross to exit a question now properly executes the default/cancel action.
  • MicroMPX Version 4 is now the default selection.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Meter bar gray displays were coming from the wrong side for Natural Dynamics, Auto/Bass EQ.
  • Bug fix: Streaming recovery when the connection dropped out didn't always work, an error state was not cleared.
  • Bug fix: Analog compressor mode: Added protection against an exception message that was reported by a customer.
  • Bug fix: Rewrote window handling code that caused an exception message to be reported in version 10.10, reported by a customer.
  • Bug fix: macOS versions could crash if detect Livewire/Dante/Ravenna is enabled.
  • Bug fix: Translations that had weird characters in the new GUI now look ok again.
  • Bug fix: Compressors: Knee never worked for > 12 dB. Changed the maximum value in the GUI to 12.
  • Bug fix: Console version in Liquidsoap failed if the webserver was enabled because it wrote to stdout, where LiquidSoap expects its audio.
  • Bug fix: x86/64 Linux Jack builds didn't properly detect that they were Jack builds with specific file names since version 10.11.
  • Bug fix: ALL compressors, AGC, Natural Dynamics, Auto EQ: Protection against artifacts caused by chunking never worked correctly.
  • Bug fix: ALL compressors, AGC, Natural Dynamics, Auto EQ: Protection against artifacts caused by chunking was not updated for Quality setting changes.
  • Bug fix: macOS VST plugin: Fixed bug in calculation of mouse position, caused mouse to misbehave in some hosts.
  • Bug fix: macOS: Timing-dependent functions never worked correctly (but we have not observed any problems due to that).
  • Major code cleanup (removed more than 2 MB of now obsolete code, old web interface and old GUI among others).
  • Major multi-instance code rewrites.
  • Partially rewrote skinning/multi-instance GUI code.
  • Added DHD licensing.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • WatchCat: Fixed a crash that could happen if multiple files were starting processing at the same time after startup.
  • STXtreme: Hardware watchdog could occasionally report incorrect I/O timer warnings, and in extreme cases even reboot, when using multiple instances.
  • STXtreme: Added more hardening against unexpected unrecoverable issues.
  • STXtreme: GUI: Last 2 digits of MAC addresses were cut off in network settings display.
  • STXtreme: GUI: Button to restart to update AES/EBU output sample rates was not always enabled/disabled in the correct situation.
  • MicroMPX: Specified and implemented efficient protocol to use for TCP links, to save to file, or to send over satellite. (Library only for now).
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Since version 4.2.1 (released with Stereo Tool 10.11), the decoder could have dropouts every 6h12m46s for certain delay settings.
  • 2023/10/17 v10.11
  • FM/HD diversity delay: Redesigned, moved to inside the processing chain to avoid long dropouts when changing delay or input source.
  • FM: RDS: RadioText 0x0D end of text indicator causes problems in some non-compliant receivers. Reverted to padding with spaces.
  • GUI: Presets: Added filtering for built-in vs local presets.
  • GUI: Presets: Added sorting (creation date, name, ...).
  • GUI: Presets: Selector tabs can now be shown as disabled; the BIMP presets tab is greyed out when the BIMP is not active.
  • GUI: Presets: Preset selector now has an "All" presets tab.
  • GUI: Presets: Preset selector no longer selects Config and I/O by default when saving settings as a preset.
  • GUI: Dropdowns now fully draw (including their borders/margins) when opened for the first time.
  • Bug fix: ARM console build: MicroMPX encoder in Stereo Tool did not work in ARM console build.
  • Bug fix: AGC post compressor gate and limit values were swapped, causing the display to be wrong.
  • 10.10 bug fix: GUI showed some warnings on each restart that should only be shown when settings are enabled the first time.
  • 10.10 bug fix: Intrasoncs: Main "on" and FM "on" switch were saved under the same name, causing it to be switched off on restarts when not used for FM.
  • 10.10 bug fix: STAMP and STudio web interfaces failed to load.
  • 10.10 bug fix: I/O: In plugin versions with "Real I/O" enabled, the input amplification gain is was performed twice.
  • 10.10 bug fix: macOS: High resolution screens no longer trigger a 200% zoom.
  • 10.10 bug fix: VST plugins: Always showed a message about an invalid license, even if there is a valid license.
  • 10.10 bug fix: VST Plugins: Keyboard input now works as before (in 10.10 it didn't work at all). (Only works when a key press is received, that's a VST limitation).
  • 10.10 bug fix: VST Plugins: macOS: Interface size issues macOS with high-res (retina) solved.
  • 10.10 bug fix: VST2 Plugin: New storage of license keys caused problems, removed it for VST2.
  • 10.10 bug fix: GUI: Input gain displayed incorrectly in input meter (no separate color).
  • 10.10 bug fix: GUI: Ratio sliders were missing in Multiband Compressor 1.
  • 10.10 bug fix: GUI: Open file window sometimes opened behind Stereo Tool window.
  • 10.10 bug fix: GUI: Meter bars did not show limiting (Digital compressor mode) or de-esser action (in Advanced Clipper).
  • 10.10 bug fix: Password protection: Removed "webinterface only" checkbox for builds that have no native GUI.
  • 10.10 bug fix: 64 bit Intel/AMD non-GUI Linux generic plugin tried to use old preset mechanism, crashed on loading.
  • Audition bug workaround: VST crashed in Audition 1.5 on Windows
  • MacOS versions: Added support for Cmd+Q to close.
  • Linux versions: Added command line option to output version number and exit (--version).
  • Added some voice processing presets under Processing.
  • DHD version: Disabled The BIMP.
  • Generic plugin: Renamed to libStereoTool, reorganized .zip file directory structure.
  • Updated presets.
  • STXtreme: Add DNS server field to front panel. Without this, NTP time updates failed in non-DHCP mode.
  • STXtreme: Network settings can now be changed via the web interface (safely; reverted if not confirmed, even after a reboot).
  • STXtreme: Add whitelist to web interface, required for Broadcaster Traffic Consortium (BTC) traffic information.
  • STXtreme: Security update, disabled NetBIOS and RPC. (Updater takes longer than normal, about 1 minute).
  • STXtreme: Enabled streaming for a specific customer (hidden under Debugging settings for now).
  • STXtreme: Added display with unit UTC time.
  • STXtreme: Filled in IP address might be incorrect if you enable DHCP, so displayed disabled.
  • MicroMPX: Reduced memory usage of decoder (stand alone and library) by 60 MB.
  • MicroMPX: Formalized GPO-over-MicroMPX specification that is supported by multiple vendors (manual appendix D).
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Widgets were not covered by access rights, so logging in or out had no effect.
  • MicroMPX decoder library: Added umpxDecoderGetBufferFillIgnoringGaps function that returns how far the buffer is filled, if we jump over any gaps.
  • 2023/9/12 v10.10
  • All Stereo Tool-based products migrated to new user interface.
  • New user interface and web interface are completely reorganized.
  • New GUI: Added display for active sample rate in plugins.
  • New GUI: Added Persistent display of CPU, buffer fillings.
  • New GUI has been greatly improved since the (very early) 10.00 release in ST-Enterprise. Too many changes to list here.
  • New GUI: Added metering overview screen.
  • All Stereo Tool-based products migrated to new I/O layer. The BIMP can now be used in Stereo Tool DSP and VST plugin versions!
  • New I/O framework: Increased target buffer filling for synchronization by 1 block, making it identical to the old framework, and more logical.
  • New I/O framework: Add 1 extra block to MME/Wasapi/Kernel Streaming based on buffer size, to prevent almost certain hiccups at buffer size 0.
  • New I/O framework: Enabled resampling in new I/O mode when Auto is selected even if buffers are very small.
  • New I/O framework: Add Jack support, dynamically loaded only if it is installed.
  • New I/O framework: Bug fix: If the buffer ended up in the area where it could be either too full or empty, it could get stuck there.
  • New I/O framework: Bug fix: Possible crash on exit when sound card was unresponsive.
  • New I/O framework: Lots other of fixes, additions and improvements since the preliminary version 10.00.
  • Web interface: Reduced startup data usage from around 3 MB to 310 kB.
  • User logins enabled for both native and web interface for Enterprise, STX, ABE and MicroMPX builds.
  • User logins: Added View-only rights.
  • User logins: Loading and resetting parameters now ignores parameters that you don't have access to; load for editable, save for visible.
  • User logins: Export of saved presets is now filtered as well for login rights (not visible = removed from export).
  • User logins: Preset selection links in web interface are filtered for access rights.
  • Added simple password protection for non-Enterprise/STXtreme builds. Incompatibile with old password mechanism, after updating old password will be gone.
  • RDS: UECP: Added support for group 0x30 TMC encoding as used by Broadcaster Traffic Consortium (BTC) in the US/Canada (waiting for certification).
  • RDS: UECP: Added support for ClockTime messages (time zone, clock offset, turn on/off).
  • RDS: UECP: Added option to block access to setting any text fields (PS, RT, PTYN) to protect against hackers on open ports used for among others TMC data.
  • RDS: Changed RT+ order based on advise from ChatGPT, might improve handling of updates on some receivers.
  • RDS: Restored old RadioText A/B behavior for non-UECP inputs to how it worked before version 9.92/10.00; new behavior was causing issues on some receivers.
  • RDS: Move ECC en LCC from Advanced RDS to normal RDS.
  • RDS live data visible in web interface.
  • Web interface: Cursor keys moved both slider and whole page.
  • Some password protected settings could still be changed from the web interface, fixed.
  • Web interface: Improved screen reader support, preset manager still to be finalized.
  • Web interface: Removed unnecessary parametric EQ communication to web interface (was updating the graphs on each redraw).
  • Web interface: Increased maximum whitelist size (from 1024 to 8192 characters).
  • Web interface: Password page does no longer ask to store passwords for other users.
  • Web interface: Lots of smaller improvements.
  • Web interface: Added support to send it through a proxy (add /stereotool/ in the URL at the end of or after the proxy link).
  • Settings are now automatically saved if you don't touch the native or web interface or STXtreme front panel for some time.
  • Memory usage optimized reduced a lot (hundreds of MB's in some versions).
  • Memory usage: LQLL mode in Winamp and VST plugins only instantiated when needed.
  • Memory usage: Optimized for cache behavior (small effect, 1% better performance).
  • Changed how plugins access their host information.
  • Dante: Show IP address in GUI.
  • Updated Raspberry Pi SD card image to be nearly read-only. (todo: post this)
  • Bass EQ: Add go-to level for silence.
  • Presets: Split RDS from other FM settings, so they can be loaded and saved separately.
  • Phase inversion detection: Added threshold setting to make it more sensitive, it wouldn't switch on most stereo music.
  • Added "Difference" mode to equalizer.
  • Lots of parameters and pages have been renamed, to make it clearer what they do.
  • Added optional console window for debugging purposes.
  • Relay: Added RDS method A switching, and RT.
  • Improved password protection code (should now be safe).
  • Compressors: Dynamic speeds: Added checkbox to allow attacking immediately at highest possible speed, which might sound better (AGC, compressors).
  • Using Jack or not depends on the file name now - if the name contains "jack" it uses it, if it contains both "jack" and "alsa" it uses both!
  • VST2 resizing added, risky...
  • VST3 plugin is now a SingleComponentEffect, this should fix rendering issues in WaveLab.
  • Added possibility for resellers to block access certain parameters (.st.gui_override).
  • "Acceleration" slider under Auto EQ/Bass EQ fixed (behavior was broken).
  • Streaming allows = character in mount point.
  • Streaming potential exception on closing fixed when there was invalid input data.
  • Preset loading and saving completely rewritten.
  • Bug fix: Multiple-second hanging on loading certain presets; MicroMPX NIC addresses were saved as "" instead of "Automatic".
  • LiquidSoap supports the Generic plugin, and MicroMPX is added to the Generic plugins.
  • Short-term half-price (3 day) license increased to 4 days, after getting multiple requests for that.
  • Changed Stereo Tool license encoding.
  • Console version: Show license errors.
  • WatchCat: No longer goes to background mode on Mac when window is not on front, caused it to run really slowly.
  • Added DHD mode to run inside DHD consoles.
  • HD processing: Added de-emphasis filter, sounds good on low bitrate HD stations.
  • VST plugins: Added unlicensed warning in top bar.
  • Preset files now contain the word "(off)" for settings that are in an off mode, which allows for future changes of the limits.
  • New GUI: Changed precision of up/down cursor keys.
  • GUI/Web interface: Fixed unicode behavior.
  • GUI/Web interface: Added license warning bar on top of GUI.
  • GUI: Made performance display meters more responsive.
  • GUI: Added anti-hysteresis to CPU usage popup to prevent it from blinking extremely fast.
  • GUI: Tray icon is restored if Windows Explorer crashes.
  • GUI: Bug fix: Fixed flashing of some meters (bass meters, limiters in compressors).
  • GUI: Changed direction of attack/release speeds (renamed to time); more logical.
  • GUI: Improved license message (Scheduler unlicensed instead of "Invalid license").
  • GUI: Disabled Progressive ratio if Max is set below main.
  • GUI: If an error message keeps popping up, we snooze it for 30 seconds.
  • GUI: Split I/O settings into I/O (sound cards, streams) and Broadcasting (the signal itself) settings. Some settings (BS412 audio settings) are moved to Processing.
  • GUI: Added warning if Hear is on anywhere (Difference to be added later).
  • Bug fix: Encoding MicroMPX from Stereo Tool at 44.1 kHz with block size 2048 and "Ignore low frequencies" set to 38.4 failed.
  • Bug fix: AZIMUTH was loaded as part of Processing instead of Repair.
  • Bug fix: Jack versions crashed when using input 2 (must have been since at least version 9.00).
  • Bug fix: NAN's when changing number of bands (Auto EQ, Bass EQ, Multibands).
  • Bug fix: Dehummer could write GUI data outside of memory if used for more than 2 channels.
  • Bug fix: Possible crash fixed when using multiple instances.
  • Bug fix: HighInYourFace GUI didn't display anything at block size 2048 with Quality > 100%.
  • Bug fix: Preset dates were shown in UTC instead of localtime.
  • Bug fix: CPU settings reset/load sometimes behaved incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: Clipper still looked at some frequency settings that are disabled in Legacy highs gap mode with other legacy setting disabled.
  • Bug fix: R128 multi-step processing could end up in an infinite loop (WatchCat/command line/generic plugin).
  • Bug fix: Absolute Highs: Small fix that may have some (minor) impact on the audio.
  • Bug fix: Some parameters that should only be in the .ini file were saved on full exports (instances, disabled warnings).
  • Bug fix: Diversity delay did not work in multi-instance version.
  • Bug fix: Empty .wav files caused infinite loop in command line version.
  • Bug fix: Linux/Mac: Thread killing could cause a fatal exception (old issue, 9.92 and earlier versions as well).
  • Bug fix: Encoding MicroMPX from Stereo Tool running at 44.1 does not work on ARM; now disabled.
  • OBS: GUI got bigger every time it's opened in OBS. Workaround added.
  • Disabled FM Analyzer in this build; we need to make a separate product for that.
  • Overall code cleanups.
  • Presets added and updated.
  • ST-Enterprise: Added built-in Kantar watermarking, version 8.1, Kantar certified.
  • ST-Enterprise: Added built-in Intrasonics watermarking. (contact us if you need it in STXtreme)
  • Kantar/Intrasonics: Support separate watermarks for FM/HD.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: After restarting, Nielsen PPM encoding could show an error message.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Instances > 1 crashed when loading very old settings (from before it was officially released), an early beta customer ran into this.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Did not work properly (lost settings) in service mode.
  • ST-Enterprise: All instances wrote presets to the same folder. Preset list for instances > 1 will be empty after update.
  • STXtreme: Support for 2x FM or 1x FM + 2x HD processing. (more to be added soon; contact us if you need it)
  • STXtreme: Added built-in Nielsen PPM watermarking, Nielsen certified.
  • STXtreme: Added built-in Kantar watermarking, version 8.1, Kantar certified.
  • STXtreme: Supports for old and new (to work around chip availability shortages) hardware versions.
  • STXtreme: Front panel: Always open front screen on home page after restarts.
  • STXtreme: Front panel: Sound cards and sample rates can now be set.
  • STXtreme: Front panel: Presets can be loaded.
  • STXtreme: Front panel: Added 2-finger scrolling (currently only affects preset list).
  • STXtreme: Front panel: Added RDS PS display to top bar.
  • STXtreme: Add setting for signal (pre/de-emphasized FM, streaming/HD) selection for HD output.
  • STXtreme: AES frequencies read from driver instead of settings file.
  • STXtreme: Installer sets the time zone to UTC (causes 3 reboots when updating from an older version).
  • STXtreme: Explicitly request to update time via NTP.
  • STXtreme: Enabled IceCast.
  • STXtreme: Added preliminary support for AES67 on Input 2, not tested.
  • WatchCat: Add macOS ARM M1/M2 version.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: QOS never worked properly on Windows. Now it should work when running ST or MicroMPX in Admin mode (DSCP46/Expedited Forwarding).
  • MicroMPX: Buffering behavior completely rewritten; this should work better (on startup mainly).
  • MicroMPX: Temporary speedup of synchronization after switching to a new stream, to be in sync with other decoders much faster.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Added option to replace the existing RDS data (built-in RDS encoder).
  • MicroMPX decoder: Ancillary data displayed in web interface.
  • MicroMPX: GPO ancillary data encoding standardized between vendors, protocol for future enhancements defined, see manual Appendix 3.
  • MicroMPX: GPS: NMEA timing changed because it failed in Brazil, probably caused by the number of GPS satellites in view.
  • MicroMPX: GPS: Decoding is now possible using 1PPS pulses + the system clock instead of NMEA (system clock must be less than 0.4 seconds off; untested).
  • MicroMPX: GPS: Added /dev/ttyACM0 for the hardware that we provide for GPS synchronization.
  • MicroMPX: Optimized license mechanism, works a lot faster and with less memory now (for new keys).
  • MicroMPX: When switching between streams, if we are just below ideal buffer filling we just keep writing there instead of creating a gap.
  • MicroMPX: Added stream reset on turning on/off; without that decoders try to adjust for a delay in packet receiving.
  • MicroMPX: Added option to reduce webinterface bandwidth.
  • MicroMPX: Added workaround for weird behavior in NMEA datastream from a specific Navilex GPS receiver (might be a Linux bug as well).
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Multicast didn't subscribe on startup.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Thread could briefly go to 100% CPU usage.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Logging was causing a memory allocation in the call to get the current time.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Could hang on close.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Fixed 44.1 kHz sample rate calculation bug, which could cause warnings to be displayed - had no real impact.
  • MicroMPX: Added 44.1 (176.4) kHz version to enable HD synchronization; not compatible with normal version. Encoder in ST and decoder only so far.
    Only use for testing, rename the binary to contain 176400 in the file name. Library versions have initialization options.
  • MicroMPX: Latencies down to 10 ms are now achievable. Not yet released; can potentially cause performance issues with existing hardware decoders.
  • MicroMPX libraries: Added callback for when RDS data is received in the bitstream.
  • MicroMPX libraries: Added password hashing.
  • MicroMPX AM Reprocessor: Added NRSC AM mask.
  • 2022/10/22 v10.00
    All new products, products that use the new GUI and all products without a GUI are version 10.00. Products that still use the old GUI are version 9.92.
  • New product: Thimeo ST-Enterprise officially released; can run and control up to 50 processing instances in a single process.
  • New product: Thimeo MultiVoc; voice processor for up to 50 microphones, which can all be processed differently if needed.
  • New Pi 4-based product: Thimeo PiMP - Pi Microphone Processor, with a latency of 2.83 or 4.17 ms.
  • New Pi 4-based product: Thimeo STudio - low latency (4.5 ms) studio monitoring processing.
  • New Pi 3/4-based product: Thimeo STAMP - AM processor (easy to use, you can't turn AM off).
  • New Pi 3/4-based product: Thimeo MicroMPX AM Reprocessor - Decodes the MicroMPX signal, and processes the mono part for AM. Read notes before using.
  • New Pi 3/4 image that allows selecting HifiBerry sound card type, software upgrading and switching between programs.
  • STXtreme: Added support for 2nd FM/HD path, or 1x FM/HD + 2x HD (separate firmware version, for now).
  • ST-Enterprise: Added built-in Nielsen PPM watermarking.
  • macOS: Added "Apple silicon" M1/M2 native support (not yet for WatchCat).
  • RDS: UECP: UECP RadioText A/B toggle flag now follows exactly what the UECP encoder says, before it toggled on changes.
  • RDS: We're not toggling the RadioText A/B flag anymore on changes.
  • Compressors: Added start ratio to Progressive Ratio.
  • Multiband compressors: Pre-emphasis: Added cutoff frequency to avoid highs > 15 kHz to have a massive impact.
  • AGC window behavior was broken when combined with dynamic attack/release speeds. Fixed, and added a Legacy mode setting.
  • Speech detection: Added option to link MB band 1 to band 2.
  • ASIO: Improved low latency glitch protection.
  • Linux Jack version: Implemented same low latency glitch protection as in ASIO.
  • macOS: Added option to select specific channels on sound cards with more than 2 channels, such as MADI sound cards.
  • CPU usage: Reduced overhead of AGC, Auto EQ, Natural Dynamics, all wideband and multiband compressors. Mainly impacts very low latency modes.
  • CPU usage: Added more ARM NEON code to reduce ARM CPU usage slightly.
  • CPU usage: Optimized tilt correction code.
  • CPU usage: Calling fewer OS functions that use a lot of CPU.
  • New web interface: Loading uses far less data than before, reduced from over 3 MB to 422 kB.
  • Web interface: Redesigned, simplified and optimized communication.
  • Command line version: Added -w option to enable web interface, -W for whitelist. Example: stereo_tool_cmd - - -w 8081.
  • Command line version: Updated to new web interface.
  • Command line version: Added MicroMPX encoding (Windows and Linux).
  • Command line version: Closing output pipe (-) was not detected on Windows; now it closes if that happens.
  • Command line version: Bug fix: WAVE file with ID tags at the start caused a wrong calculation of the number of samples, causing warnings to be printed.
  • Command line version: Bug fix: For non-WAVE files, when using R128 normalization the last 16384 samples were cut off.
  • Command line version: Bug fix: --quiet option caused weird unexpected end of file error.
  • Bug fix: RDS: UECP: Setting AF A/B via UECP was broken. Frequencies were transmitted with an offset of 1, causing AF method B to fail, and some receivers to ignore method A.
  • Bug fix: High CPU usage in Absolute Highs after switching to latency 128, then back to 4096.
  • Bug fix: Linux Jack version: Crash on startup on some systems solved.
  • Bug fix: DSP plugin version: When switching from stereo to mono input, some data from the other channel remained and caused weird sounds.
  • Bug fix: Bass EQ output was filtered incorrectly, sometimes removing part of its effect.
  • Bug fix: "Force Stokkemask even if not using composite clipping" has been completely broken since version 9.50 (right channel audio disappeared all the time).
  • Bug fix: Some default CPU thread/affinity settings could be overwritten on first time startup, causing unexpected behavior.
  • Bug fix: GUI: MicroMPX GPS support was missing from license options in the GUI, making it unclear why an unregistered warning was shown.
  • Bug fix: Old GUI: Sometimes Load/Save/Reset button pulldowns were not populated immediately after starting.
  • Bug fix: Old GUI: Fixed pipes (white bars), that were accidentally introduced in 9.91.
  • Bug fix: The BIMP license check was too strict, sometimes complained even if The BIMP was disabled.
  • Bug fix: Some CPU affinity settings were being handled incorrectly in certain hosts for the plugin versions.
  • Input 2 standard usage changed: Now by default used for backup instead of BIMP.
  • GUI: GPS 1PPS speed in Stereo Tool was sometimes reported as 153600 instead of 192000.
  • GUI: Updated Bandpass frequency display to show both FM + non-FM frequencies, added status line.
  • HTTP/JSON interface: Made reset target button available on HTTP interface for test automation.
  • Linux builds: Added "Nice" support, changed priority settings to run glitch-free on real-time Linux versions at extremely low latencies.
  • Linux builds: Added 64 bit Intel/AMD binary with no X11 dependencies (customer request).
  • Linux/Mac: Stereo Tool exception log file is now written to the active directory.
  • STXtreme: Front panel: Added I/O settings.
  • STXtreme: Front panel: Added +/- buttons to sliders.
  • STXtreme: Triggering hardware watchdog during software updates to allow updating if there's a system error.
  • STXtreme: More logical Input 2 sound card selection (left/right together for Backup or Add mode, separately otherwise).
  • STXtreme: Hardware watchdog would occasionally (once every few months) warn about clock speed differences due to a bug in the measurement.
  • STXtreme: Added detection for network changes for AES67 and MicroMPX.
  • STXtreme: Added AES67 signal detection for certain protocols.
  • STXtreme: Adapted support for new hardware version that's coming soon due to component shortages.
  • ST-Enterprise: There are only 2 license types now (existing users, please contact us), and each can be used only once.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Starting the application while an running one is just being closed didn't always work.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Added support for "Restart sound cards" button.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Added restarting sound cards if the buffer filling gets out of range.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Wasapi sound cards did not work.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Check if sound cards are the same for synchronization didn't work on Mac/Linux.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Some of the synchronization settings for input sound cards were missing.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Check for "Microsoft Sound Mapper" as default device only worked on English language Windows, now just assuming that the first device is that.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: AES67 input didn't work directly after startup, device validity check was wrong.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: AES67 input bug fix, could theoretically get in infinite loop/read outside of memory (not sure if that could really happen).
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: AES67 input CPU core affinity not set correctly.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Using Input 2 for BIMP, RDS, SCA1/2 didn't work (channels were swapped).
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Solved potential priority inversion issues.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: ASIO: Code that protected against glitches could actually make them worse, now it works as intended.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: ASIO: Using same output twice sometimes didn't give an error.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: In certain situations, Input 2 audio was overwriting input 1 instead of being read separately.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Input error state recovery didn't work.
  • ST-Enterprise: Bug fix: Synchronization between input and outputs sometimes checked the wrong channel, causing it to be bypassed, causing buffer over/underruns.
  • ST-Enterprise: Added built-in and libVLC output streaming.
  • ST-Enterprise: Added libVLC input streaming.
  • ST-Enterprise: Rewrote how different error levels work, much more logical and should work better.
  • ABE build: Made this build as similar to build as possible.
  • ABE build: Added user account mechanism with access rights to different parts of the GUI.
  • Added/updated presets.
  • PhoneBooster: Fixed crash on selecting presets.
  • MicroMPX: Cleaned up file descriptor leaks on close.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Removed incompatibility between Intel and ARM versions that could affect very loud quadrature signals.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Enabled support for multiple input ports, with priorities. Also allows smoother switching between streams.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Improved startup behavior when a new stream is received, it starts closer to the center of the buffer now.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Reduced memory usage by around 350 MB.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Bug fix: Occasional very short glitch on timer wraparound, also caused small time stamp mismatches.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Bug fix: Random noise in the RDS section could in rare cases cause a crash.
  • MicroMPX Encoder: Check added to verify that audio in the RDS frequency range is actually a valid RDS signal, ignoring it if not.
  • MicroMPX Encoder: Filling some unused bits with 0's instead of random values.
  • MicroMPX library: Added "nice" support to Linux versions.
  • MicroMPX library: Make separate function to call tilt externally.
  • MicroMPX library: Added "is_recovery_packet" boolean to MicroMPX packet encoded callback.
  • MicroMPX library: Cleaned up MicroMPX SDK example code, and added comments.
  • 2022/06/10 v9.91
  • ITU1770 meter now also shows multiple time intervals (Immediate, 3, 10 and 30 seconds).
  • GUI: Disabled Lowpass slider if it's inactive (no streaming output, and FM/AM lowpass filtering is in use).
  • Workaround added for OBS (Stereo Tool running as a plugin in OBS could cause it to crash after loading/saving presets).
  • Bug fix: Plugin versions tried to open an input sound card in version 9.90. This could cause an error to be reported.
  • Bug fix: Delossifier highs behavior was inverted in version 9.90 (what happened was the opposite of what the setting said).
  • Bug fix: Window title wasn't always correctly set in version 9.90.
  • Bug fix: Bass Exciter didn't work properly with Delossifier Spectral Hole Filler enabled.
  • Bug fix: DeReverb was not disabled by pressing "Disable unlicensed features".
  • Bug fix: Linux version: The file save dialog could write 1 byte outside of memory (doesn't seem to have caused any problems).
  • Optimized opening of multiple web interfaces (that could cause some unrelated things to be restarted).
  • Updated presets.
  • Linux Enterprise build added.
  • macOS Enterprise build added (without native GUI for now, use the web GUI instead).
  • WatchCat: Bug fix: Stereo Tool license was sometimes not accepted in version 2.0.5.
  • MicroMPX: Added description field for each encoder and decoder, for stations with many decoders.
  • MicroMPX encoder library: Now returns sample time stamps, for external SFN support.
  • MicroMPX decoder library: Solved channel separation issue in optimized MPX demodulator (this does not affect anyone, as nobody was using it yet).
  • 2022/04/17 v9.90
  • Added Bass Exciter.
  • Added Highs Exciter.
  • AGC: Matrix mode: Added relative threshold per band, allowing more stereo widening for certain bands.
  • Clipper Multipath Stereo: Didn't work properly for values > 90 degrees. And split the settings for FM and streaming.
  • Streaming: Added stereo reduction filter to improve streaming audio quality at lower bitrates.
  • Streaming: Updated IceCast libShout from 2.4.1 to 2.4.5.
  • AES67: Added LiveWire+ channel detection.
  • AES67: Multiple instances can read AES67 now.
  • AES67: Support on Linux and Mac added.
  • Added L-R Phase shift filter. This tends to sound warmer and wider, and more natural on extremely panned music.
  • Big rewrite of the parameter handling code.
  • RDS parser: Ignore weird characters at start of included Unicode files (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32).
  • I/O settings: Simplified settings, for example ASIO is now enabled if you select it in any output and does not have its own on/off anymore.
  • Bug fix: Stereo Image bad a bug that caused audio to be smeared out in time. Must have been there for years.
  • Bug fix: Lowpass filter difference mode did not work.
  • Bug fix: Multibands with very large negative Density values sounded strange.
  • Bug fix: Entering \+64 - \+99 for RT+ could cause crashes.
  • Bug fix: Lowpass filter was partially enabled in Bypass mode for non-FM outputs.
  • Bug fix: BIMP: Disabling Input 2 didn't disable The BIMP! So it kept processing and adding audio.
  • Bug fix: BS412 in low latency modes used an extreme amount of CPU.
  • Bug fix: ASIO on input 2 with very low block sizes with non-ASIO on input 2 could cause the ASIO code to incorrectly complain about unresponsiveness.
  • GUI: Replaced "blocking" checkboxes by a single checkbox under Configuration.
  • GUI: Advanced RDS now only set for UECP inputs, if you select Advanced features yourself they will just be enabled.
  • Reduced memory usage by about 200 MB
  • JSON interface now supports some of the meters.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • ST-Enterprise: Added AES67 input.
  • ST-Enterprise: Fixed synchronization of 2nd input.
  • ST-Enterprise: Full I/O framework redesigned, now ready for release.
  • STXtreme and new GUI: Inactive filters in top bar hidden.
  • STXtreme: Added I/O settings to front panel.
  • STXtreme: Warning about I/O speeds was accidentally shown on the font panel, now only in logging.
  • Relay: Added support for sending AF frequencies.
  • MicroMPX: Added version number to web interface.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Compiler bug caused weird audio glitches in the 64 bit ARM build.
  • MicroMPX: Added baudrate setting for GPS NMEA input.
  • MicroMPX library: Added pilot and RDS level info.
  • MicroMPX library: Added mono only mode (upto 15 kHz, requires at least version 4.1.3 on both ends) for a specific customer.
  • MicroMPX decoder library: Added estimated sample number in sync mode to match time stamps with ancillary data.
  • MicroMPX decoder library: Added audio demodulator.
  • MicroMPX decoder library: Allow bigger delay (upto 15 seconds instead of 9).
  • MicroMPX encoder library: Replaced NIC index (which pointed back to ParSet) by NIC string.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Minor offset in pilot/RDS levels due to rounding error (worst case was a 0.07 dB difference, that's now 0.03 dB).
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: RDS signal could have an offset of a few µs after demodulation.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Reading huge log files in the web interface could block the web interface.
  • MicroMPX: Reduce maximum speed adjustment when detecting clock speed problems; large adjustments can affect stereo/rds reception.
  • 2021/10/31 v9.83
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX encoder built into Stereo Tool could cause pilot phase to move incorrectly for certain Quality/Number of CPU threads combinations since 9.80.
  • Rasbperry Pi version: Added MicroMPX encoding to the ARM versions of Stereo Tool. MicroMPX V.4 encoding uses little CPU power, making it usable on a Pi 4.
  • 2021/10/24 v9.82
  • BS412: New BS412 limiter, with more feedback predictors and multiple feedforward level measurements over different intervals.
           Existing presets are automatically updated, you can still manually select the old Legacy mode if needed.
  • BS412: Added "Hot compressor" mode for a more compressed and possibly slightly louder "radio-like" sound.
  • BS412: Added "Auto adjust for target level" setting that auto-adjusts the input if target (0, +3 dBm etc) is changed, also compensates for pilot/rds levels.
  • Multiband Compressor 1: Analog mode: Added "Sudden drop protection", speeds up release on large level drops (Dynamic Speeds + Max release speed mode).
  • Compressors: Analog mode: Limiters did not work in Progressive Release mode. Now they work with the ratio that's reached at -6 dB.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Limiter had pre-ringing effect and used more CPU load than needed.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Limiter slow release times never worked.
  • Bug fix: VST version: GUI was displayed too small in all VST plugins.
  • Bug fix: AGC "WB linking" mode used the settings of the last band instead of the 2nd band.
  • Bug fix: Small bug (wrong threshold) in bass vs highs IMD filtering was introduced in version 9.80.
  • Advanced Clipper now explicitly bypasses the Simple clipper pre-limiter, which could introduce pumping if configured incorrectly.
  • Dependency removal: Linux/Mac versions don't use libCurl anymore for access to websites.
  • Updated presets.
  • STXtreme: Added workaround for issue with still unknown cause that caused the I/O board to not respond on one unit.
  • MicroMPX: Added much easier license activation mechanism, no need anymore to mail request codes to us if you have internet during licensing.
  • MicroMPX: Added option to show reseller company logo.
  • WatchCat: Added scrollbar to input settings window, which didn't fit on very small monitors.
  • 2021/09/11 v9.81
  • Bug fix: MacOS version crashes when loading preset file with affinity info Fixed for stand alone.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Max Attack/Release Speed values were displayed incorrectly in 9.80 (the behavior was not affected).
  • Bug fix: UECP: RDS RadioText with a / in it was not transmitted correctly.
  • Added option to load "Config" settings when using STS file polling/scheduling. They were loaded before version 9.80 but not anymore in 9.80, now it's selectable.
  • Command line version: Linux: Added large file (> 4 GB) support.
  • Command line version: Flashing meters fixed, might also perform a bit better.
  • Old preset with no "Legacy" clipper mode setting available are automatically upgraded to the new clipper settings without asking.
  • All built-in presets that use "Improved" clipper mode are now upgraded to the new clipper settings.
  • 2021/08/28 v9.80
  • Added Speech detection, part of the Advanced Dynamics license. Can be used to control Natural Dynamics, AGC, Bass EQ, True Bass, Immersive Bass.
  • I/O: Updated I/O library (PortAudio) to nightly build from June 28 2021, which has several bug fixes compared to the 19.7.0 release.
  • I/O: Certain sound cards/Windows versions have issues with block sizes they report they prefer, option added to overrule defaults (in Extreme Tweaker mode).
  • I/O: Wasapi non-exclusive mode now has priority over exclusive mode, because some drivers have problems with exclusive mode (hiccups/gliches).
  • I/O: Increased maximum SFN delay (between 2 MPX outputs in the FM sound card settings; someone needed that to use it for a different goal).
  • AES67: Added x4 upsampling to make 48 kHz AES67 work in STX together with ASIO at 192 kHz. Tested with LiveWire.
  • AES67 now has priority over ASIO in the settings.
  • GUI: Added current PI code to FM info display, so you can see if UECP etc works well.
  • GUI: Simplified CPU presets.
  • GUI: ShoutCast 2 does not fully work (song info doesn't work), so until that is solved, the GUI now clearly says "ShoutCast 1".
  • VST version: Removed deprecated settings warnings. Due to how VST's work we can't reliably detect when this message should be shown.
  • Added internal ASIO glitch counters (not yet exported to GUI).
  • Some small performance optimizations (replaced sqrt(x) by x * 1 / sqrt(x), which is less accurate but faster, among others).
  • Bug fix: Linux Jack version: Fixed crash on startup.
  • Bug fix: External RDS input in Stereo Tool: Fixed drifting pilot on certain inputs.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX Encoder with external RDS input in Stereo Tool: Fixed pilot frequency issue (it was wildly drifting).
  • Bug fix: Dehummer: Switching to a different sample rate wasn't detected (same data was used to remove noise instead of being disabled).
  • Bug fix: Simple clipper was not disabled in Bypass mode in version 9.70.
  • Bug fix: Web interface: AES67 NIC selection didn't work in web interface due to a bug in pulldown menu's.
  • Bug fix: Web interface: After opening a large number of web interface instances, an error could occur, which could kill the web interface.
  • Bug fix: Webserver: Massive replies (> 262144 bytes) contained extra bytes.
  • Bug fix: True Bass was incorrectly compensating for possible audio levels in subsequent filters; fixed and legacy setting added for existing presets.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Scopes disabled mode wasn't loaded correctly from the ini file.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Multiband compressor agressiveness (via Quick Adjust or via Aggressiveness/multipliers) was not displayed in Max Speed slider values.
  • Bug fix: OS X: I/O: Input didn't work on some sound cards since version 9.70, and microphone access wasn't requested correctly on Catalina and Big Sur.
  • Bug fix: Command line version: Fixed R128 True Peak issue (with certain TP values, it could think that it was done too soon and not clip the peaks at all).
  • Bug fix: Linux version: Affinity masks were ignored (core pulldown did work, mask did not).
  • Bug fix: Generic plugin version: Fixed memory leak.
  • Bug fix: Generic plugin version: Web interfaces didn't work correctly when multiple instances were opened.
  • GUI: Spectrums: Reduced memory usage for 32 bit VST and ARM versions.
  • GUI: Spectrums: Scaled drawing in internal interface.
  • STXtreme: Added AES67 settings.
  • STXtreme: Clicking Thimeo logo takes you to Quick Adjust.
  • STXtreme: Improved error messages for ASIO timing issues (which SHOULD never happen, but now if they do we know why).
  • STXtreme: Fully zooming out on waveforms in web interface caused audio glitches, which in turn triggered the hardware watchdog which caused a reboots.
  • STXtreme: Show RDS data in web interface.
  • STXtreme: HD diversity delay didn't work.
  • STXtreme/SST web interfaces: Support for 4K screens in waveforms, spectrums etc.
  • Generic plugin version with built-in sound card support: Added I/O menu.
  • Updated presets.
  • Added MB Recaster Free to Winamp plugin installer.
  • MicroMPX+ low bitrate and variable bitrate modes added. Lowest supported bitrate is 176 kbit/s. Requires at least version 4.1.0 for both sides to work.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Bug fix: Forward Error Correction for V4 encoding could in rare cases cause weird sounds to be played when packets were recovered.
  • MicroMPX Encoder: GUI: Added average achieved bitrate display.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Improved filtering overlap in ARM builds, slightly higher CPU load (relatively 3% higher for Cortex A9, 10% for Raspberry Pi).
  • MicroMPX Decoder: backup player: Improved backup player behavior, it now also kicks in after multiple short drops.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Bug fix: Dropout silence times were sometimes reported incorrectly.
  • MicroMPX library: umpxGetDecoderStreamVersion missing from library.
  • MicroMPX library: send/receive ancillary data.
  • MicroMPX library: Added dropout reporting function.
  • WatchCat: Added automatic detection of ffmpeg if extracted to C:\, more locations to be added if people request them.
  • WatchCat: Bug fix: Made it impossible to delete or edit built-in presets.
  • Declipper separate program: Works again, ready for a new release.
  • New "Relay" tool, to listen to relay inputs via a sound card and send RDS commands, initial version.
  • 2021/04/21 v9.70
  • Updated I/O library (PortAudio) to latest version (fixes OS X 10.15 and recent Windows 10 update issues).
  • Mac: OS X Catalina and Big Sur: All OS X binaries are now signed and ask for the required permissions.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added new highs gap protection mode: frequency response is flatter, sounds warmer with fewer mid highs and more top highs.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added new ABDP bass/highs IMD protection mode: More mid-bass is allowed through.
  • Advanced Clipper: Improved ABDP highs IMD protection, less impact on highs.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added pre-clip option that prioritizes highs slightly more when other sounds (mids/lows) are really loud, to protect against IMD.
  • Advanced Clipper: Leif's Highs Gap Protection in Legacy mode didn't behave like older versions anymore. Restored version 8.54 behavior.
  • AGC: Gate response speed optimized when using RMS detection mode.
  • AGC: Made singleband linking mode work in both directions, and fixed a bug that caused it to sometimes not work before.
  • Compressors (analog mode): Gate response speed optimized when using RMS detection mode.
  • Increased Wasapi/MME/Kernel Streaming latency setting for stability. For low latency, you should use ASIO anyway.
  • Bypass mode now goes through the whole chain, but with everything (except Hard Limit) disabled. FM also keeps playing now.
  • Unused (disabled) settings with legacy values are reset to their new defaults.
  • Stereo Tool Enterprise: Starting another instance instead fires up the GUI of already running instance.
  • Stereo Tool Enterprise: Added Kantar support to Enterprise version.
  • Bug fix: Web interface: Made it resilient against crashes (it could die), added more connection handlers for STXtreme, just in case.
  • Reduced memory usage for plugins by 30 MB.
  • Updated Fast Fourier Transform for ARM builds (uses slightly less CPU), affects both Stereo Tool and MicroMPX.
  • Updated presets.
  • MicroMPX encoder: Version 4 is now the default.
  • MicroMPX decoder library: Added a function to get the stream version, to be warned about CPU load issues.
  • WatchCat: Fixed issue that caused beeps when used without a license, even without using features that require one.
  • WatchCat: Fixed issue that caused cancellation and closing to fail/hang sometimes.
  • 2021/03/11 v9.63
  • Compressors: Added L/R band linking/channel separation level compensation (new setting), sounds more open, with louder vocals when instruments kick in.
  • Improved FM clipper high frequency output (new setting, frequency response is flatter and highs sound cleaner than before).
  • Added DeReverb from The BIMP to the main processing path as well (requires a BIMP license).
  • Mac OS X builds: All binaries and installers are now signed for use in Catalina.
  • Big code rewrite "under the hood" for future improvements.
  • Bug fix: Bass Boost was not disabled when True Bass was disabled. Added on/off for Bass Boost on True Bass main page.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX encoder was not enabled in FM Professional EVENT license.
  • Bug fix: Backup soundcard didn't work since version 9.60.
  • Bug fix: Very low latencies didn't work since version 9.60.
  • Bug fix: VST2 plugin could hang in Audition on close.
  • Bug fix: IceCast/ShoutCast streaming was broken on Windows XP.
  • Bug fix: ShoutCast: user:password didn't work on some servers.
  • Bug fix: Singleband compressor in Analog mode: Output levels above 0 dB did not always work.
  • Bug fix: Command line version did not show an error message if the .sts file could not be loaded.
  • WatchCat: New version, fully new GUI design.
  • Updated and added presets.
  • Bug fix: OmniaSST: No error message was shown when entering an invalid licene key.
  • STX/SST web interfaces: Shrunk everything to 80-85%.
  • Bug fix: STX web interface: Removed Basstardizer (unsupported for STX) from top menu.
  • Bug fix: STX web interface: Changing PI code didn't always work properly.
  • Bug fix: STX web interface: Made headphone symbols for difference mode more visibly active, and removed weird block above it when selecting.
  • STX: Added factory reset.
  • STX: Created preliminary login mechanism, not yet enabled in this release (needs more testing).
  • STX: Disable most warnings/errors on the front panel.
  • MicroMPX: Added V4 encoding: Uses less CPU, uses a slightly better encoding mechanism, supports higher bitrates, handles too low input levels better.
  • MicroMPX: Backup player: Improved dropout detection (many dropouts count stronger than one long dropout).
  • MicroMPX: Encoder bug in keyframes fixed, for all MicroMPX versions. Could cause some (very soft, -60 dB or so) noise at the start of keyframes.
  • MicroMPX: Encoder bug in Huffman table transport fixed, for all MicroMPX versions. Very slightly improves the encoding.
  • MicroMPX libraries: Added support for multiple instances.
  • MicroMPX libraries: Removed C++11 dependency, added void* for user info for callbacks.
  • MicroMPX Decoder library: Stream info available (bitrate, FEC data, missing packets, peak levels).
  • MicroMPX libraries: Reset all errors via JSON call added, increased maximum number of errors from 10 to 32.
  • MicroMPX libraries: Linux: Added nice levels (to set lower priorities).
  • 2020/11/17 v9.62
  • Bug fix: Code problem caused CPU load to be higher in 9.60 and 9.61.
  • Bug fix: Streaming: Fixed "Sound card not responding" error when "Restart on sound card timeouts" was enabled.
  • Synchronization between ASIO and non ASIO sound cards: Lowered minimum allowed buffer size for synchronization to work.
  • ABE webinterface: Added hasing of passwords and added username/password combinations. (More improvements needed).
  • Stereo Delay: If delay is 0, "Flip phase" is now disabled.
  • Updated presets.
  • MicroMPX library: Encoder functions were missing.
  • MicroMPX: Backup player can now also start if there are continuous dropouts, it measures stream quality parameters.
  • MicroMPX: Slightly reduced CPU usage.
  • 2020/11/08 v9.61
  • Bug fix: Sub Bass Boost was saved under the same entry as True Bass, so they could not be separately on or off.
  • 64 bit Windows version: Affinity now supports upto 64 cores, useful for running dozens of instances on systems with more than 32 CPU cores.
  • Bug fix: SST/STX: Classic Multiband was visible in top bar of web interface when MB1 was disabled.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Backup player: Measures "badness of stream" over time and can switch on/off based on that, instead of just after a long dropout.
  • MicroMPX: Added manual to Windows installer.
  • 2020/11/04 v9.60
  • AGC: Added bands 3/4 (part of Advanced Dynamics license).
  • AGC: Added Sudden Dump Protection, speeds up release when level drops a lot. Increases maximum release speed, stops Release Hold and Windowing.
  • Analog compressors: Added Progressive Ratio (part of Advanced Dynamics license).
  • Auto EQ: Added "Go to center" for near-silence per band, avoids excessive boost of near-silent bands.
  • Multiband Compressor 1: Added "Go to target" when gating, with hold delay. Reduces excessive boost of bass and highs on voices, a.o..
  • True Bass: Added "Sub Bass Boost" subfilter with sidechain compressor to improve bass level and consistency.
  • AGC: Added Progressive Ratio (possibly useful for classical music; doesn't fully work with Sudden Jump Protection).
  • Multiband compressors: Added option for pre-emphasised compression.
  • Kantar: Split to a separate plugin DLL for easier validation of new versions.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added asymptotic mode. Makes step from not clipping to clipping less abrupt, but also causes some extra distortion.
  • RDS: ASCII remote access: Added DPSTEXT command that sends RT and PS text in one go and uses word wrap for PS.
  • RDS: ASCII remote access: Hardened to ignore unexpected characters (EOF's among others) in the data.
  • Advanced Clipper: Default settings: Changed frequencies for even harmonics from 1000/2000 Hz to 400/800 Hz to avoid issues in older presets.
  • Linux version: Jack behavior improved, names corrected (FM/normal output), latency reduced.
  • ARM version: Set a slightly higher minimum latency value.
  • GUI: Show a popup message if the sound card buffer filling gets too high or too low.
  • GUI: Streaming .dll's not found error message improved (clear message instead of a weird hexadecimal code).
  • GUI: Updated French translation.
  • Modern web interface: Fixed μ character display in modern webinterface.
  • XST/SST web interface: Added Quick Adjust settings to main page (which was empty before).
  • Bug fix: Modern web interface: Fixed horizontal scrolling issue.
  • Bug fix: RDS: Code was sending euro sign as an E, but the euro sign ASCII code in RDS is actually an à.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX: ARM version: Previous (retracted) release (combined with Stereo Tool 9.52) was incompatible with all other versions.
  • Large code refactoring in I/O code to enable future improvements.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • SST/STX: Updated presets.
  • MicroMPX: GPS support for Single Frequency Networks (SFN's) now works fully, and on a lot more hardware:
  • MicroMPX: GPS: Added support for GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou satellites, besides just GPS.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Added measurement of sound card delay to handle differences on restarts (needed for HifiBerry on Pi, among others).
  • MicroMPX decoder: Added displays for NMEA timestamps, stream timestamps, 1PPS pulses, audio feedback measurement, current resampling factor, lock.
  • MicroMPX encoder: Added displays for NMEA timestamps, samples between NMEA timestamps, clock speed adjustment, lock.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Reduce maximum resampling value from 0.1% to 0.05% to fix potential RDS reception issue. Large clock speed offsets will now cause dropouts.
  • MicroMPX encoder: Restart GPS sync on sound card restart, also for plugin version in Stereo Tool.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Reduced CPU load by about 2%.
  • MicroMPX libraries: Add thread affinity settings.
  • PhoneBooster initial version released!
  • 2020/07/15 v9.52
  • Clipper bug fixed when using lower CPU modes, "Also lows" without "Also highs" failed.
  • Perfect Declipper: New version based on this code base.
  • ABE transmitter version: Added new web GUI.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • SST/STX: Updated presets.
  • 2020/07/03 v9.51
  • SST/STX only release. This is the version that the first STX boxes are shipped with.
  • Added ShoutCast support (user:password in Password field, and ICY protocol).
  • Added IceCast/ShoutCast HTTPS server support (requires a certificate .pem file, eg. ).
  • Added temporarily disabling of compressor/AGC gates when switching presets, so it won't get stuck at low levels.
  • ACR Stereo: Added "Flip phase" button that seems to sound better (for delay > 0).
  • MicroMPX encoder: Removed rate limiter on/off swtich. There's no good reason to ever turn it off.
  • WatchCat: All ID3 text fields should be copied now.
  • STX/SST: Add ACR to web interface.
  • STX: Upload preset was hardcoded to go to in 9.50.
  • STX: UECP settings missing.
  • STX: MB and AGC meters were wider in touchscreen interface, and had a scrollbar due to that..
  • STX: Output scope added.
  • STX: Switching AES/EBU between 44.1/48 and 176.4/192 doesn't always work, requires a reboot.
  • STX: RDS: EON, UECP and MONITORING missing.
  • STX: Shorten names, remove unnecessary duplicates.
  • STX: Metadata, Visible data, Traffic info, Alternative frequencies, Packet order, EON, UECP, Monitoring.
  • STX: Re-enable ACR, including saving on/off.
  • STX: Web interface: Bug fix: Title sometimes shown in wrong location.
  • SST/STX: Added and updated presets.
  • 2020/05/13 v9.50
  • Compressors: Analog mode: Release Hold added.
  • Compressors: Analog mode: Progressive Release now also supported for non-constant speeds.
  • Bass clipper: Added new mode for much fuller, rounder, "angry" sounding bass.
  • Bass clipper: Added limiter for each generated harmonic separately.
  • Immersive Bass: Added limiter for each generated harmonic separately.
  • Multiband compressors: Added "soft clipper" mode, sounds more natural and dynamic, less agressive.
  • Compressors: Analog mode: RMS-based limiters affected band linking, solved.
  • Reduced red flashing of output meters in Ignore high frequencies mode.
  • CPU load settings added to protect against "insane" presets.
  • Compressors: Analog mode: Reduced CPU load for Peak mode when using dynamic speeds depending on CPU settings.
  • Low latency monitoring processing: Added half-HQ mode for lower CPU usage.
  • Natural Dynamics: Added compensate slope steepness setting (same as in Multiband 1 and 2).
  • GUI: License overview page didn't show The BIMP.
  • Command line version: Phase Delay wasn't taken into account when calculating the processing delay, causing time shifts in the output.
  • Command line version: "low latency" mode added for streaming providers that want to combine audio with video, see -l (or --lowlatency) option.
  • Streaming metadata: Remove trailing newline characters when reading from file.
  • Bug fix: Raspberry Pi version could crash.
  • Bug fix: Streaming metadata: Reading from file could fail if the "read upto" point was empty.
  • Bug fix: Streaming metadata: Reading from file could cause exceptions.
  • Bug fix: Streaming metadata: "Song" update from file looked at the Artist checkbox in the GUI.
  • Bug fix: "Ignore high frequencies" did not work properly anymore in the last releases, solved, reduces CPU load.
  • Bug fix: Web interface had an off-by-1 error in the recent presets list.
  • Bug fix: Web interface no longer attempts to change a setting if it's read-only.
  • Updated presets.
  • Perfect Declipper: Updated GUI to be able to release a new version.
  • MicroMPX: Pi version looked for which is no longer present in some Linux images, now looks for
  • STX: Initial firmware version with touchscreen support pre-released.
  • 2020/03/18 v9.40
  • AGC: Added dynamic attack/release speeds.
  • AGC: Added release hold for better consistency. Avoids too high levels for drum solos etc.
  • Analog Compressors: Added dynamic attack/release speeds.
  • FM clippers: Flatter frequency response, more highs above 11 kHz. Controlled by "Highest highs vs lower highs" slider.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added option to allow generating even harmonics; results in louder, more open and warmer audio.
  • AGC: Improved Sudden Jump Protection a bit.
  • AGC: Added "Attack immediately" for tighter control and better consistency.
  • Analog Compressors: Added "Attack Immediately" mode that gives a tighter sound with better consistency.
  • Advanced Clipper: Bass protection under "highs" killed bass in v9.37, maximum stages reduced to 2. Smaller effect on bass, still nearly full IMD protection.
  • Multiband Compressor 1: Analog Compressor: Added progressive release to constand (maximum) speed releases.
  • Bass Clipper: Added extra hard clipping stage to handle overshoots from "Extra Softness", for much better bass control.
  • Declipper: Added protection against predicting too much, mainly needed for restoring optical sound tracks in old films.
  • IceCast: Added IceCast streaming to DSP plugin.
  • IceCast: Added streaming metadata (artist, title, album), plus polling to update data from a file.
  • IceCast: DLL's are loaded only when needed, no longer on startup.
  • CPU core scheduling: Added preferred thread CPU core affinity, beside forced. Uses selected core when possible, another if not available; allows lower latencies.
  • I/O: Improved ASIO future samples prediction to remove clicks when calculation isn't ready yet, enables lower latencies without audible gliches.
  • Web server: Added websockets for better performance and lower data usage.
  • Web server: Changed scope display updates to fix display hiccups.
  • Web server: Redesigned to be better able to handle large numbers of open connections that are waiting for HTTP GET requests.
  • Web server: Added Active field to a number of widgets, and button press doesn't happen more than once anymore when the connection is flaky.
  • Web server: Fix file uploading, was adding extra bytes, caused by extra \r \n before closing line.
  • Auto EQ/Bass EQ: Improved attack behavior; added "Legacy attack" mode for compatibility.
  • GUI: Improved synchronizing of waveform display.
  • GUI: Waveform display: Glitch on 0-crossing of buffer.
  • GUI: Added synchronization of screen drawing to ASIO callbacks for lowest possible latencies (4 ms).
  • Bug fix: VST3 plugin bug fix: NAN's in vMix solved! (caused by a compiler bug).
  • Bug fix: BS412: For Quality > 100 the audio could sometimes drop to 0.
  • Bug fix: Streaming/Normal output was pre-emphasized when MicroMPX was used without turning FM sound card on.
  • Bug fix: IceCast streamer no longer uses threads (which apparently could cause reliability issues, in external software outside of our control).
  • Bug fix: Scheduler: Last element of the list was ignored.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX NIC selection did not work from within Stereo Tool (always used Automatic).
  • Bug fix: Command line version on Windows big file (> 2 GB) issue fixed.
  • Code change: Parameter code partially rewritten for new GUI.
  • GUI: "Version 7.31 Attack compatibility" parameter removed (wasn't used anymore).
  • Changed default preset to Dutch Chocolate Moose.
  • Updated presets.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: RC on/off checkbox was ignored.
  • MicroMPX Decoder: Bug fix: Backup player could get in a state where it wouldn't start playing.
  • MicroMPX: SFN/GPS license fixed (was always beeping).
  • MicroMPX: Updated web interface.
  • MicroMPX: "GPS lock" display in Stereo Tool and MicroMPX encoder didn't work.
  • MicroMPX: Fix µ in µs for RC in MicroMPX web gui.
  • PhoneBooster: Added web interface, initial beta posted.
  • STX: Initial firmware version pre-released (no touchscreen support yet).
  • 2019/10/31 v9.37
  • Bug fix: Display glitch in compressors in 9.36 fixed (display only, sound was ok).
  • 2019/10/28 v9.36
  • The BIMP: Virtual console added.
  • MicroMPX 3 added.
  • MicroMPX SFN GPS precision slider and lock display added.
  • Added auto-detection an fixing of input audio in anti-phase.
  • Sound card self test: Glitch detection test added.
  • Added LUFS level display.
  • Bug fix: Possible glitches in Normal Output when using multiple threads solved.
  • Bug fix: Fixed year in Kantar log file names.
  • Bug fix: Made sure that Kantar log file directory is always created.
  • Linux: "sync" called after writing settings so they are still there after a reboot.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • 2019/09/09 v9.35
  • Advanced Clipper: Hidden setting was changed in 9.10 to sound cleaner. But it was also duller and less loud. Setting added to choose old or new (default) mode.
  • Advanced Clipper: Bug fix: "Limit normal output instead" mode bass clipper didn't work properly.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added Mids strictness slider.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added "Limit Normal Output instead" attenuation slider.
  • AGC: Added setting for side chain bass band.
  • Bug fix: In some setups, Normal Output could have hiccups/plopping sounds.
  • Web GUI: Load/save presets with up/download added.
  • MicroMPX settings page in Stereo Tool now also has a "Normal output" selection, to avoid sending pre-emphasized audio to Normal Output.
  • Kantar support finalized.
  • Web GUI: Updated generated objects.js file to fix JavaScript errors.
  • Web GUI: Optimized scope display in web interface.
  • CPU: Reduced CPU load of Stokkemask in "Block heavy processing" mode further.
  • CPU: Reduced CPU load of L-R Asymmetry in "Block heavy processing" mode further.
  • ARM version: Add Cortex-A53 32 bit target (for Raspberry Pi 3B(+) with a 32 bit OS).
  • Bug fix: Scheduler was broken in previous versions.
  • Linux/Mac: Thread priorities are now supported.
  • Added L-R reverb stereo widener.
  • Streaming output: Artist, title, song, album and year info added.
  • Bug fix: GUI: White bars fix in 9.34 could cause CPU load to go up, solved.
  • Bug fix: Command line version output values could wrap, causing loud clicks, on Linux.
  • Bug fix: When Asio4All is installed, MicroMPX decoder can hang on close due to a bug in Asio4All. License was then also kept locked, that's now fixed.
  • MicroMPX: Added GPS synchronization settings to encoder/decoder API and Stereo Tool GUI.
  • MicroMPX: Greatly reduced CPU load for higher (512, 576) bitrates (mainly important when running on a Pi).
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: In version 2.1.2, after a dropout due to network issues, decoders could become out of sync for a few minutes.
  • MicroMPX decoder: New web interface.
  • Bug fix: Possible crash in previous WatchDog version fixed.
  • Updated presets.
  • 2019/07/05 v9.34
  • ARM (Raspberry Pi 2/3/4) version optimized for small L3 cache, CPU load reduced by about 10%.
  • Bug fix: built-in MicroMPX encoder on 64 bit Windows stand alone could cause exceptions.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX status reporting sometimes did not detect that a stream was running.
  • Changed Advanced Clipper default values.
  • Updated presets.
  • 2019/07/03 v9.33
  • Reduced CPU load of "Advanced Bass Distortion Protection" in "No heavy processing" mode.
  • Bug fix: ASIO audio could (and in many cases did) play only silence in 9.32.
  • Bug fix: NAN could be reported on startup.
  • Bug fix: 2 75 us presets were not loading.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX encoder could give exception on startup since previous build.
  • 2019/06/24 v9.32
  • MicroMPX encoder added to Mac and Linux versions of Stereo Tool.
  • Multiband Compressor 1: RMS-based limiter added with ratio and side chain based on compressor settings, to catch what compressor missed.
  • Immersive Bass can be placed before/between/after Multiband Compressors now.
  • Check Matt's Immersive Bass settings -> HPF to 30
  • Immersive Bass could cause a crackling sound if it was placed in the beginning of the chain.
  • Highpass filter calculation had an offset (Legacy mode added for old presets).
  • Highpass filter can now behave as if it's the first thing in the chain.
  • Parametric EQ: Results differed from other parametric EQ's (Legacy mode added for old presets).
  • Parametric EQ: Added bass filter with slope in dB/oct, which is easier to understand.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added "Safe for lossy compression" switch, which improves the output for reducing lossy compression artifacts.
  • Streaming output: Streaming output is the same as Normal Output, but the selection of what to output wasn't present on the streaming page.
  • Streaming output: Added treble slider to reduce highs which may be too loud when using an FM preset.
  • Performance: Added "No heavy CPU processing" setting that disables CPU heavy processing. Makes even the FM presets run on a Pi3. May affect audio quality.
  • Performance: ARM: Added "Use 2048 instead of 4096" and "Skip Stokkemask" settings.
  • Performance: Optimized performance of resamplers.
  • Performance: Optimized Stereo Tool framework for slightly better performance (less overhead).
  • Latency: Windows: Added "Safe drawing" option to avoid crackling for extremly low latencies (~ 5 ms), probably caused by DMA access.
  • GUI: Added popup in stand alone version asking if this is the correct version if there's no input audio after a few minutes.
  • Generic plugin: iOS library added (without GUI).
  • Kantar: Time synchronization added. Untested, not yet available.
  • Kantar: Added headroom. Untested, not yet available.
  • Kantar: Added dynamic samplerates (was set to 48000 fixed before). Untested, not yet available.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Clipper could in some combinations of settings loose loudness.
  • Bug fix: GUI: White bars in GUI on some systems fixed.
  • Bug fix: Auto EQ could cause a loud crackle a few seconds after startup, mainly noticeable when playing a sweep.
  • Bug fix: Auto EQ could overreact after big changes, loud sounds in otherwise quiet parts just after a big change could be pushed down too far.
  • Bug fix: OS X: Potential crash on sound card re-open solved.
  • Bug fix: Linux: Jack name did not follow the name of the binary.
  • Bug fix: x86 Linux: x86 Linux version was crashing due to a compiler bug, workaround added.
  • Bug fix: ARM Linux: Crash could occur because CPU detection code was never executed.
  • Version information added to binaries.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • WatchCat: Bug fix: Crashes on Mac.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Dropouts could occur for a combination of high frequency of keyframes, forward error correction and packet loss.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: License sometimes wouldn't work directly after booting the OS on ARM.
  • MicroMPX: V2 encoder CPU load reduced, on a Pi3 the load is down from 170% with dropouts to 110%.
  • MicroMPX: 2-channel input special build added for a driver that can't cope with 1 channel I/O.
  • MicroMPX: Added JSON API for streaming/silence/backup detection.
  • MicroMPX: Added JSON API for errors.
  • MicroMPX: Give warning on the new (recently added) CPU speed throttling in Pi3 Raspbian on when the CPU temperature exceeds 60 degrees Celcius.
  • 2019/05/01 v9.31
  • Bug fix: Auto EQ RMS size was set to non-zero when loading older presets in 9.30, causing them to sound different.
  • Bug fix: Shift and Control keys did not work in MacOS GUI.
  • 2019/04/29 v9.30
  • Added MicroMPX 2. (Note: You need to update your decoders if you want to use MicroMPX 2).
  • Added preliminary AES67 input support.
  • Added preliminary native streaming support (without libVLC), for now only MP3 (via LAME 3.93.1 or 3.100) and ogg/Vorbis.
  • Added parameter scheduler with file name, times, day-of-weeks and dates.
  • AGC: Added 2nd band.
  • Auto EQ/Bass EQ: Added RMS size for more precise behavior.
  • Advanced Clipper: ABDP: Mid bass protection: Changed default to off. No longer needed and people complained about "grainy" bass sound.
  • Compressors and AGC: Fixed "Relative release distance" behavior for FB^2 mode (release was too slow). Added "Legacy" setting for compatibility.
  • GUI: Improved slider mouse/cursor keys behavior, prefering round values.
  • GUI: Holding CTRL while scrolling or using arrow keys for sliders slows down the movement for more precise tweaking.
  • GUI: Holding SHIFT while scrolling or using arrow keys for sliders speeds up the movement for making big changes faster.
  • GUI: Changed (reduced) ranges and layout of sliders.
  • GUI: Displaying "off" in sliders instead of high or low values if the setting means no action.
  • GUI: All number of bands sliders replaced by pull-down menu's.
  • GUI: Fixed flashing display gates.
  • GUI: Flashing input meter.
  • GUI: Smooth movement down on input/output meters.
  • GUI: Synchronized input/output meters in stand alone version.
  • GUI: Simplified CPU threading configuration: Added dropdown to set up CPU's and affinities.
  • Bug fix: GUI: LLB meter showed wrong levels.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Legacy AGC: hide non-legacy settings.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Multiband 1 had 2 Behavior screens in Digital mode (one was for Analog).
  • Bug fix: Compressors: Fixed various issues in RMS size behavior which would result in too much or wrong movement.
  • Bug fix: Wrong value could be displayed (and used) briefly after startup in synchronization between sound cards.
  • Bug fix: Tilt correction: Added NAN recovery, just in case (no issues reported but it could fail).
  • Bug fix: GML plugin display did't open.
  • Bug fix: Rare exception message in Auto EQ in LQLL mode with 3 threads.
  • Stereo Tool installer: Don't open Explorer in installer.
  • Stereo Tool DSP installer: Now recognizes SAM, StationPlaylist, PlayoutONE, ...
  • Stereo Tool DSP installer: Didn't find new Winamp 5.8. It should now find both the old and new Winamp versions.
  • OmniaSST: Updated web interface.
  • Updated presets.
  • MicroMPX: Version 2!
  • MicroMPX: Set encoder to V1 when upgrading from an older version and MicroMPX was turned on.
  • MicroMPX: Added reset interval for backup file (time to start at the beginning).
  • MicroMPX: Added demodulated output monitoring.
  • MicroMPX: Using separate bitrate settings for MicroMPX 1/2.
  • MicroMPX: Removed extra \n's in logging.
  • MicroMPX: Removed weird warnings that were sometimes shown on startup in Windows.
  • MicroMPX: Increase default rate limiter setting to 100 kbit, and enable by default in Stereo Tool/SST.
  • MicroMPX: Updated web interface (added version, several decoder settings).
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Encoder in Stereo Tool was sending pilot when stereo coding was disabled in some situations.
  • MicroMPX: Bug fix: Built-in version in Stereo Tool could crash when feeding only 1 channel (mono input file in plugin).
  • MicroMPX Node: Create separate 2-channel build.
  • MicroMPX Node: Set storage location and auto-save.
  • WatchCat: Bug fix: File in use behavior was wrong on Windows.
  • WatchCat: Bug fix: Move failed files to Failed was broken on Windows.
  • 2019/02/23 v9.23
  • Startup with Windows: Added a delayed startup option (to avoid issues with drivers that take long to load).
  • Default setting: "Winamp bug fix: Clean buffer at start of new track" no longer enabled by default in the DSP plugin.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added protection against very loud bass pushing other sounds down.
  • AGC: Added movement inside window.
  • AGC: Added Matrix mode, which gives a nicer stereo enhancing effect than any of the existing stereo enhancers.
  • AGC: Added RMS size, for better RMS behavior and reducing overshoots.
  • Analog Compressors RMS mode: Added RMS size, for better RMS behavior and reducing overshoots.
  • Command line version: Added 24 and 32 bit file support.
  • GUI: Updated documentation and tooltips.
  • RDS: Added Advanced RDS mode, which requires an extra license option. (needed for ODA, EWS, ECC, LIC, EON, multiple UECP's, Group Sequence.)
  • RDS: Added Group Sequence and Extended Group Sequence.
  • RDS: Site/Encoder/DSN/PSN now shown in hexadecimal format.
  • RDS: UECP parser added for unknown commands (needed since it's a binary format, we need to know where to continue).
  • RDS: RDS UECP access to EWS ID and ECC can be blocked (customer specific safety issue).
  • RDS: EON Link, PIN and 14B burst can now be enabled/disabled in the GUI.
  • RDS: Added group counter display for monitoring.
  • RDS: Added language code.
  • RDS: Some receivers cut off the last character of an RT text that ended with <0D> when the number of characters before it is odd. Inserting an extra space now.
  • Bug fix: RDS: EON AF method A encoding didn't work properly.
  • Bug fix: RDS: Per-line EON on/off checkbox was sometimes ignored.
  • Bug fix: RDS UECP ODA/ODA config/IH/EWS commands were fitered on (invalid) PSN/DSN data.
  • Bug fix: RDS UECP Slow Labeling Group commands were filtered on (invalid) DSN data.
  • Bug fix: RDS EON Link and PIN were not transmitted if they were 0.
  • Bug fix: RDS UECP Site/Encoder address filtering was looking at combinations of Site/Encoder, which was wrong, now it's checking them separately.
  • Bug fix: Equalizer "Between multibands" setting was actually still before.
  • Bug fix: Sound card synchronization: Did too little for M values far below 1 (buffer close to being empty).
  • Bug fix: Using sound card #2 as backup could combine its audio with sound card #1 on startup, until a mouse move.
  • Bug fix: Declipper option "Input can be compressed" off was still doing something.
  • Bug fix: Windows 64 bit stand alone installer didn't make shortcuts for installing/uninstalling Stereo Tool as a Windows service.
  • Bug fix: Mac VST version could crash on close.
  • Bug fix: GUI: AGC level meter had an offset when using Window.
  • Bug fix: Logging: Built-in MicroMPX was logging time offset warnings due to a wrong calculation.
  • Linux: Support for multiple instances added, settings are now saved under the name of executable.
  • Added button on License page to turn off unlicensed features.
  • GUI: Updated resizing of bottom part of the screen to look better if the window is not very high.
  • GUI: VST window made less high to fit on 1600x900 laptop screens.
  • Dynamic Ratio is no longer a feature that needs licensing, it caused too much confusion.
  • Gave ARM and x86 MicroMPX builds different names (they were the same now, causing mixups).
  • Memory optimization: Removed several unnecessary RDS threads.
  • Updated some presets.
  • Several WatchCat and MicroMPX updates.
  • 2019/01/20 v9.22
  • Advanced Clipper: Improved handling of highs, lower frequency highs get priority. Sound is much "tighter", more controlled.
  • Advanced Clipper: Distortion Protection highs clipper also gives priority to lower frequency highs.
  • Advanced Clipper: Distortion Protection had one stage that didn't protect against holes caused by loud highs.
  • Advanced Clipper: Changed Bass/Highs default value from 400 to 200.
  • Bug fix: One CPU affinity mask setting was set incorrectly.
  • RDS: AF method B: Support for multiple frequency lists, for when a signal with AF method B data is retransmitted on other frequencies.
  • RDS: RT+: "Item active" bit was used incorrectly, causing some receivers to temporarily switch between RT and RT+ views on changes.
  • Linux: Opening GUI window failed sometimes, should be fixed now.
  • Added version number to DLL's.
  • Updated some presets.
  • 2018/12/29 v9.21
  • Basstardizer bug introduced in 9.20 solved.
  • 2018/12/26 v9.20
  • Added VST3 plugins (experimental).
  • Added Immersive Bass: Upper bass harmonics synthesizer.
  • Added hand-optimized AVX2 code for about 5% lower CPU load on newer CPU's (on Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, 10).
  • Advanced Clipper/Composite Clipper: Added more bass protection stages (experimental).
  • Advanced Clipper/Composite Clipper: Reduced bass IMD in voices and tones.
  • Noise Gate: Some artifacts were audible (and have been for years), fixed.
  • RDS: Split features into standard and advanced RDS (EON, AF method B, ECC, EWS, ODA - TMC etc).
  • RDS: Added AF method B.
  • RDS: Added support for shorter RT texts by ending them with \n, speeds up transmission.
  • RDS: Add PIN.
  • RDS: Bug fix: UECP Site and Encoder address were swapped.
  • RDS: EWS (Emergency Warning System) ID encoding was wrong, fixed.
  • RDS: Remove dynamic memory allocations when the PS/RT/PTYN strings are modified.
  • RDS: UECP: Add support for multiple UECP encoders with different ports.
  • RDS: UECP: Add support for multiple site/encoder addresses.
  • RDS: Added EON, both via GUI and UECP. (Known issue: AF version 4 doesn't work correctly).
  • RDS: Group 15B now sent 4x on TA end (was only sending it on start).
  • Stokkemask post filter CPU load reduced.
  • Auto-select 192 kHz FM output sound card as default on first install.
  • I/O: Beeps for not working sound card made nicer (less intrusive).
  • I/O: Retrying and restarting added when sound cards cannot be opened.
  • Removed support for Pentium 3 pc's. Removed check from installers.
  • GUI: Improved text alignment in modern skin.
  • Default settings for "Leif's highs gap protection" changed (5 stages instead of 3, 200% instead of 400%).
  • Bug fix: Web interface: I/O section and The BIMP were missing.
  • Bug fix: Generic plugin: Could give an empty white screen, among other in mAirlist.
  • Bug fix: Linux version: Web interface thread used 100% CPU load.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Volume display FM of output wrong when streaming output was enabled with separate processing.
  • Updated and added presets.
  • MicroMPX: Added x86 Linux versions (32 and 64 bit).
  • MicroMPX Stereo Tool/SST integration: Removed startup logging if MicroMPX is not used.
  • MicroMPX Stereo Tool/SST integration: Log file are now written in user directory.
  • WatchCat: Several smaller issues fixed.
  • Bug fix: WatchCat installer on Mac was broken.
  • 2018/10/25 v9.11
  • libVLC 3 now also supported for streaming (libVLC 2 also still works).
  • libVLC restarting issue when watchdog was enabled fixed.
  • GUI: Some streaming output settings were inadvertently hidden if not in Expert mode.
  • Linux: Added Generic version with no X11 dependencies.
  • Bug fix: R128 could crash on 32 bit Linux.
  • Bug fix: Generic plugin: GetScope function needed a refresh call to determine what to show.
  • Bug fix: 9.10 32 bit VST version didn't run on Windows XP anymore.
  • Bug fix: RDS: UECP TMC data DSN/PSN filtering added.
  • RDS: EON channel selection added.
  • Advanced Clipper: There could be a bump around 3 kHz, fixed, also slightly more natural sound.
  • MicroMPX: Resampling margins slightly increased - a small offset in the pilot is better than dropouts.
  • WatchCat: Lots of improvements. More stable, easier to use, better looking interface.
  • 2018/10/08 v9.10
  • Added MicroMPX encoder.
  • Added The BIMP - built-in microphone processor with no added latency.
  • Latency: Now latency can be below 6 ms (measured analog input to analog MPX output).
  • Composite Clipper: Stokkemask: Redesigned Stokkemask filter to be much tighter, with far less effect on the audio.
            - Changed overlaps in measurement.
            - Measuring more often.
            - Using L-R reduction in early stages, total level reduction in final stages.
            - Updated Gaussian window sigma value.
            - Using more stages overall.
          It's also much heavier so legacy mode can still be used.

    Measured effect of the old vs new Stokkemask filter on audio with extreme stereo content at +9 dB MPX power:
    Sample rateOld totalNew totalOld L-RNew L-R
    48000 Hz-0.37 dB-0.27 dB-1.08 dB-0.62 dB
    44100 Hz-0.33 dB-0.22 dB-1.17 dB-0.63 dB
    40000 Hz-0.43 dB-0.29 dB-1.47 dB-0.82 dB

  • Composite Clipper: Stokkemask: Sound depended on sample rate used, solved (for the new version).
  • Composite Clipper: Stokkemask: Replaced "Looseness" by a slider that moves the Stokkemask window.
  • Advanced Clipper: Improved filtering to reduce crackle (start of Kelly Clarkson - Because of You).
  • Advanced Clipper: Improved filtering in Controlled Distortion to avoid introducing crackle.
  • Made VST parameter names unique. Some programs apparently store by name instead of ID (which is wrong!).
  • GUI: Split Configuration into Configuration and I/O (stand alone version only).
  • GUI: Increased minimum window size.
  • GUI: Updated (increased) window size for VST plugin.
  • GUI: Stokkemask: Improved displayed graph, should be far more accurate than before.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Declipper input display looked bad for > 1 threads.
  • Bug fix: RDS: RT+ data was flashing on some receivers when the data was re-read.
  • Bug fix: RDS: UECP: Decoder was skipping short (4 bytes or less) commands at the end of a message.
  • Bug fix: MicroMPX/SST: GUI: License valid date showed 1924 instead of unlimited.
  • Bug fix: Dehummer: Continuous learning mode could base behavior on non-initialized data when increasing duration.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Clipper: "Limit instead" could stop working properly with certain settings.
  • Dehummer: Reduced minimum continuous learning time from 1 second to 0.1 second, to reduce reverb.
  • 30 euro Declipper home use version now also available for non-Winamp (DSP) versions.
  • Turned Advanced Bass Distortion Protection bass clipper asymmetry mode off by default.
  • Updated presets. Added the preset from the Processing Freakday 2018 - dozens of people requested that.
  • MicroMPX: Added multicast subscribe IP address.
  • MicroMPX: Rate limiter is enabled by default.
  • MicroMPX: License wasn't applied until a restart was done, solved.
  • 2018/07/23 v9.02
  • Delossifier: Detection of false positives reduced.
  • Multiband compressors: Added multiband clippers.
  • Sound card and MicroMPX packet speed correction: Improved and simplified. More robust and most constant.
  • RDS: MagicRDS support: Supporting hex numbers for AFCH=.
  • RDS via UECP: Added EON (Enhanced Other Networks) support.
  • RDS via UECP: Added Slow Labeling Groups support.
  • RDS via UECP: Added support for ODA (TMC traffic information, paging etc).
  • RDS via UECP: Added support for IH (InHouse) groups.
  • RDS via UECP: Added support for EWS (Emergency Warning System). Code is not yet validated!
  • GUI: Input level meter could flash.
  • GUI: Output scope ran too slow and could lag behind in certain situations.
  • GUI: Added support for displaying MicroMPX encoder errors.
  • GUI: Added (not found) to missing sound card in menu (for example when loading a preset from someone else).
  • GUI: Add clear error message if sound card that doesn't exist in the system is selected.
  • GUI: Increase VST window size to 1500x843.
  • Sound cards: Added 30-60000 Hz and 10-80000 Hz sweep tones for testing.
  • Bug fix: GUI mouse move priority was too high in stand alone version, could cause hiccups on slow 1 or 2-core systems.
  • Bug fix: Mac VST plugin didn't work.
  • Bug fix: Fixed NAN logging error.
  • Bug fix: With all meters running, was reaching the maximum number of meters allocated.
  • Updated and added presets.
  • MicroMPX SST/Stereo Tool integration: Only allowed "Ignore high frequencies" value is now 19200.
  • MicroMPX SST/Stereo Tool integration: Encoder did not get activated with FM output running in ASIO mode at 44/48 kHz. Works now, but FM output plays silence.
  • MicroMPX: Added stream password protection.
  • 2018/06/25 v9.01
  • Bug fix: VST drawing area size was incorrect, could overwrite host window. (caused by version 9.00)
  • Bug fix: 32 bit VST client in 64 bit host: Blank unresponsive window occurred on closing. (caused by version 9.00)
  • Bug fix: Several filters (AGC, compressors) could get stuck for a long time at very low levels after changing the Quality slider above 100%.
  • Bug fix: Non-FM relative output level and Multipath/Mono bass settings in Advanced Clipper were saved as part of FM settings instead of Clipper settings.
  • Bug fix: Automatically hidden warning windows (too much noise reduction, too little AGC action, too low audio level) left a mess on the screen.
  • Bug fix: FM sound card calibration (deprecated) does not work when "Ignore high frequencies" is enabled, now disabled in that mode.
  • Bug fix: WatchCat version number was wrong (1.2.0 BETA 2 instead of 1.2.0).
  • GUI: Warning windows no longer appear when playing silence.
  • GUI: Warning windows disappear faster when the problem is gone, they only appear if the problem is there on both short and long term.
  • Auto EQ/Bass EQ: Changed default value for Relative Kick Speed from 0.25 to 1.00.
  • VST: Window size increased, no need anymore to support small monitors so it's now 1500x843.
  • Added initial JSON web server support.
  • Updated presets.
  • 2018/06/21 v9.00
  • Processing core: Updated to new core, Quality upto 150% now possible.
  • Compressors: Added new Symmetric RMS mode that sounds much better than the old RMS mode which is not deprecated.
  • Compressors: Added new Symmetric Peak mode that behaves like Symmetric RMS, but is peak based.
  • Added Bass EQ, similar to Auto EQ but for bass.
  • Added Basstardizer (replacement of Bass Boost).
  • Added simple (traditional) Bass Clipper that generates harmonics.
  • AGC: Much nicer attack/release behavior. "Legacy" switch is available to get the old behavior for compatibility.
  • Auto EQ: Fixed overreacting to sudden loud sounds. "Legacy" switch is available to get the old behavior for compatibility.
  • Advanced Clipper: Improved "Bass Distortion Protection" bass clipper, no longer kills mid-bass.
  • GUI: Added 4K screen support.
  • GUI: New default skin.
  • CPU Performance: Improved VST load time.
  • CPU Performance: Optimized scope data collection code (less CPU, more memory).
  • CPU Performance: GUI: Optimized scope drawing code when zoomed out.
  • CPU Performance: GUI: Optimized MPX drawing code.
  • CPU Performance: Improved parameter lookup code.
  • Memory: Reduced Resampler memory usage by sharing LUT data between channels (-16 MB).
  • Memory: Reduced R/C memory usage by splitting into phase-linear and non-phase linear versions (-2 MB).
  • Auto EQ: Improved recovery from absence of frequencies.
  • Auto EQ: Improved Abrupt Changes behavior after startup/silence (recovers much faster).
  • Added extra AGC before the normal AGC to handle extreme sounds (voice tracking).
  • Hard Limit: Merged current Hard Limit with the code from before version 8.22, which sounded better.
  • AGC: Improved start of song behavior, added startng point for file based processing.
  • Highpass filter: Fixed (enabled) pre-ringing protection.
  • Advanced Limiter: Add NAN recovery.
  • Multiband compressors: Added Stop Threshold, it doesn't reduce the level further than this point.
  • Stereo Image: Improved Stereo Image phase limiter.
  • Delossifier: MPEG detection was too insensitive in 8.54 (was ok before).
  • Advanced Clipper: Improved multipath/streaming stereo protection.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added Mono Bass fiter to reduce multipath (FM) or codec artifacts (streaming).
  • Stereo coder: Added pilot-only output for other products.
  • RDS: Improved external RDS insertion to allow for noisy RDS signals that certain encoders generate.
  • RDS: Add PTYN. Also via ASCII mode (PTYN=) and UECP mode.
  • RDS: Add timeout for TA.
  • RDS: UECP: Support added for combined messages in 1 packet.
  • RDS: UECP: UDP mode added.
  • RDS: Added MagicRDS AF method A.
  • RDS: TA/TP via MagicRDS supported.
  • RDS: Added THIMEORT in ASCII remote control mode, similar to THIMEOPS but for RT.
  • Generic plugin: Output spectrum added.
  • Low latency output: Added High Quality mode.
  • Low latency output: Allow 3 threads instead of 2.
  • FM Analyzer: Improved pilot detection, no more tilt correction needed.
  • Linux: Removed dependencies to newer GLIBC than what's in CentOS 6 (needed for Rivendell Stereo Tool plugin).
  • Linux: Auto-saving of settings enabled.
  • Linux: Added affinity support. Mac doesn't seem to support it.
  • Linux: 64 bit ARM ALSA build had Jack dependency.
  • Bug fix: Advanced Limiter: Phasing sound was sometimes present, must have been broken forever!
  • Bug fix: Fixed Mac multiband compressor gate error after NAN recovery.
  • Bug fix: Fixed NAN in 8.54 in several versions in the clipper (reported by 1 person, appears to have been settings-related).
  • Bug fix: NAN in equalizer fixed.
  • Bug fix: Fixed NAN's and other weird behavior in multi-thread mode in True Bass and Absolute Highs.
  • Bug fix: Incorrectly reported NAN warning in clipper removed.
  • Bug fix: Rounding error caused a divide by 0 on some systems in Multiband Band Coupling, causing distortion.
  • Bug fix: Run-as-a-service code didn't print anything to screen due to Visual Studio changes.
  • Bug fix: VST plugin error handling didn't work, a crash could take the host application with it.
  • Bug fix: VST delay was not taking Phase Delay and number of threads into account.
  • Bug fix: Self test crashed.
  • Bug fix: AGC PEQ live updates (when editing) didn't work.
  • Bug fix: RDS: Compressed flag was always set regardless of GUI setting after startup.
  • Bug fix: External RDS was turning Asymmetric L-R off.
  • Bug fix: Fixed Digital Multiband 1 mode Flat frequency response bug introduced in 8.54.
  • Bug fix: Stokkemask didn't properly update when Quality was changed, could cause crashes.
  • Bug fix: Fix "Hear" behavior when moving filters around.
  • Bug fix: Web server requests could fail on long URL's.
  • Bug fix: Lines could not contain an = sign in translation (.stl) files.
  • GUI: Add display red colors for in use but not licensed features in License overview page.
  • GUI: Bottom meter section reflects changes in processing order.
  • GUI: Left menu reflects changes in processing order.
  • GUI: Added Brightness slider.
  • GUI: Show better unlicensed features warning.
  • GUI: Put best/latest preset in a separate area op top.
  • GUI: VST now resizable if the host application supports that.
  • GUI: Made top area a bit higher, not all menu items fit before.
  • GUI: If the window is too small, still draw (partially invisible) instead of showing a gray screen.
  • GUI: Redraw screen when warning disappears automatically.
  • GUI: "Low CPU" settings now deprecated and inverted ("Heavy CPU (old)").
  • GUI: Add high CPU load warning.
  • GUI: Add Breakaway Pipeline warning.
  • GUI: Add low input level warning.
  • GUI: Add too little AGC action warning.
  • GUI: Add too much noise gate warning.
  • GUI: Add too much BS412 action warning.
  • GUI: VLC 3 apparently does not work, GUI now shows "VLC 2" explicitly everywhere.
  • GUI: Output meter blinks red (clipping warning) in "Ignore high frequencies" mode - make it less sensitive.
  • GUI: Add legacy bass clipper warning.
  • GUI: Reorganized main Processing screen.
  • GUI: Combined bass effects to a single page.
  • Code: Changed clock checking code in sound card thread to avoid build warning on Mac.
  • Audio I/O: Added sound card lowpass filter compensation to FM output. (Does not work in Ignore High Frequencies mode).
  • Audio I/O: Added ASIO override latency setting.
  • Audio I/O: Add left/right channel swap and mono.
  • Made streaming with libVLC easier, WARNING: there are better encoders out there.
  • Added, removed and updated presets.
  • Updated translations.
  • SST: ThimeoKoekError was not initialized in SST, so μMPX encode errors were not shown.
  • Stand alone installers: Add shortcuts for run as a service install/uninstall.
  • 2017/11/20 v8.54
  • Performance optimization: Reduced Auto EQ CPU load by a factor 9.5.
  • Performance optimization: Reduced 'Current AGC' CPU load by a factor 12.
  • Performance optimization: Reduced CPU load of compressors (RMS or Average) mode, in Multiband by a factor 3, if you enable "Low CPU".
  • Performance optimization: Improved threading and cache behavior for Multiband compressors, less synchronization needed.
  • Performance: ARM version: Changed default startup settings to 3 threads, no subthreads.
  • Performance: ARM version: Low CPU mode is on for all compressors and Auto EQ by default.
  • Added goniometers to stereo processing screen.
  • Delossifier: Improved MP3/MPEG2 detection, fewer false positives.
  • RDS: Added support for Magic RDS (not all features are supported).
  • RDS: Improved external RDS input (didn't ignore non-RDS signals).
  • GUI: Made Final Limiter visible in Basic mode (was Extreme Tweaker only).
  • GUI: Extreme L-R Asymmetry levels were causing issues on some receivers, set maximum to 30%.
  • Omnia.9: Clean up L-R area when AutoPilot is active.
  • Omnia.9: Return clipped audio via callback.
  • Omnia.9: Logging without time info and \n at the end.
  • Generic plugin with sound card access: Added code to stabilize buffer on initial startup.
  • Bug fix: Single channel audio in plugin version wasn't working properly with 2 channel MPX output through sound card.
  • Bug fix: Fixed some uninitialized variables with Valgrind.
  • Bug fix: Fixed potential memory error when loading presets.
  • Bug fix: Incoming NANs could cause an exception in Absolute Highs.
  • Bug fix: Linux version: Solved hangup on start if no GUI could be opened (version 8.52).
  • Bug fix: strncpy calls protection added
  • Bug fix: SCA didn't work well (glitches) when more than 1 thread was used.
  • Bug fix: When the scheduler was used on a file with only partial preset data, the AGC was switched back to Old AGC mode.
  • Bugs: Added more NAN logging
  • Added Romanian translation and updated presets.
  • 2017/11/15 v8.53
  • Bug fix: Multiband in RMS mode could be killed (compressors become inactive, limiting still worked) after feeding a NAN through it.
  • Bug fix: Auto EQ was missing from the Processing main page.
  • Bug fix: Increases NAN detection thresholds to avoid false positives.
  • SST: Web gui improvements.
  • SST: Web gui increased contrast.
  • SST: Improved installer.
  • SST: Updated and added presets.
  • 2017/10/05 v8.52
  • WatchCat: Added Mac OS X version.
  • Stand alone version: Moved memory allocations to before actual audio is running to avoid hiccups after starting Stereo Tool.
           Sound card buffer could be filled too much until you did a RESTART SOUND CARDS.
  • Made external RDS follower PLL much slower to avoid bad pilot.
  • Web interface: Added way to use it remotely without knowing the session ID (use ID -1).
  • Auto EQ: Updated default settings.
  • Omnia.9/9sg: AutoPilot smooth transition between pilot and no pilot.
  • Omnia.9/9sg: Made some build settings changes to avoid #define issues between projects.
  • MicroMPX: Added logging for the Omnia.9.
  • MicroMPX: Added version number to the external library API.
  • MicroMPX: Added support for AutoPilot.
  • MicroMPX: Many other small (signal) improvements.
  • Bug fix: Declipper didn't work properly at 192 kHz with non-phase linear HPF enabled.
  • Updated German translation and presets.
  • 2017/09/13 v8.51
  • Version 8.50 did not run properly in Windows XP, due to a Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 bug. Workaround added.
  • Top (presets) part of Stereo Tool web interface could still get in a reload loop - fixed.
  • Memory usage slightly reduced.
  • SST interface colors updated.
  • MicroMPX now supports multiple sample rates.
  • 2017/09/07 v8.50
  • Added new Auto EQ.
  • Added new Low Level Boost filter, intended for classical music.
  • Added final limiter with bass clipper.
  • Redesigned AGC, new AGC is simpler and more consistent.
  • Compressors: In Analog mode, added dynamic ratio's, for getting more compression at higher input levels.
  • Compressors: Attack/release behavior in the new RMS mode was wrong, now fixed. Result is more consistent and movements are less sudden.
  • Phase repair (part of Stereo Image): Improved pure anti-phase handling, now it can make pure anti-phase perfect again too.
  • Added option to move equalizer between MB's.
  • Added option to move Bass Boost (Bass Harmonics) before last MB.
  • Updated to a new compiler, 3% performance gain. Several compiler bugs found and workarounds added.
  • AGC: Side chain now has a parametric eq (both old and new AGC).
  • RDS encoder: The end of long words was cut off, now those words are split.
  • RDS encoder: Filtering out empty fields when including an empty file.
  • RDS encoder: Added automatic splitting of long words in PS text.
  • RDS encoder: Skipping empty fields (for example when an imported file is empty or does not exist).
  • GUI: Changed width of sections in small windows to make room for Auto EQ on the bottom of the window.
  • GUI: If backup input is active, the input volume meters change color to blue.
  • GUI: Multiband Compressor ratio's moved to a separate page because 2 extra settings were needed.
  • AM clipper is now always oversampled, small overshoots were possible before (especially in US/10 kHz mode).
  • Stereo Tool/SST web interface: Added session ID's.
  • Stereo Tool web interface: Fixed continuous reloads of preset menu.
  • Stereo Tool web interface: Display of meters improved (colors were bad).
  • Stereo Tool web interface: Since the first page loaded could be messy, now opening with Stereo Tool logo.
  • Bug fix: Fixed 2 possible causes or NAN's.
  • Bug fix/workaround: Improved NAN recovery handling.
  • Bug fix: AGC: Window did not work properly with smaller AGC block sizes. Caused clicks and volume jumps.
  • Bug fix: Clipper was recalculating certain tables on every call if both FM and non-FM processing were enabled (performance issue).
  • Workaround: Some Linux versions sometimes fail to open the GUI. Using the same workaround that Chromium uses: Retry for a few seconds.
  • WatchCat: Fixed a number of bugs.
  • WatchCat: Added "preset"-scripts for common actions such as processing audio in video files.
  • SST: Added preset upload / download / delete.
  • SST: Changed meter colors to visualize differences between types of meters.
  • SST: Coupled Hard Limit to clipper on/off
  • SST: GUI: Bass Boost: Relax limits on frequencies
  • SST: Bug fix: Disabling FM output could make Normal output pre-emphasized (in very specific situations).
  • SST: Updated help.
  • SST: Ohio Valley and Blue Steel presets were using Pre Amp, which shouldn't be used in SST.
  • SST / MicroMPX: Network: Added "Interface" (network port) selection.
  • MicroMPX: Added web interface.
  • MicroMPX: Improved encoding efficiency, reduced bitrate by 20 kbit/s.
  • MicroMPX: Created display for packet reception, reset packets, timing, current playing position.
  • MicroMPX: Network Quality of Service settings for low latency audio added.
  • Allowing having a separate Normal Output separate processing clipping level if pre-emphasis for FM is disabled.
  • Code change: Added templates to Parameter and HTTP Server classes to use them in MicroMPX as well.
  • Reduced memory usage.
  • Added ARM/Pi3 64 bit version, around 18% more efficient!
  • Updated Omnia.9 and Omnia.9sg to the latest version of the code.
  • Added, removed and updated presets.
  • 2017/06/09 v8.40
  • Compressors: Added new, much more consistent RMS mode, old one renamed to Average.
  • Compressors: In new RMS mode, added a new feature "Big release acceleration" to release fast on big drops.
  • Compressors: Added channel linking. Allows leaving channels free but limit the maximum difference between them.
  • Clipper: Added "Prioritize loudness" mode.
  • Phase repair (Stereo Image): Improved pure anti-phase handling, now it can make pure anti-phase perfect again too.
  • RDS: The end of long words was cut off, now the word is split by default.
  • Generic plugin: Now a separate version is available that has audio support, but you can only run one instance.
  • Bug fix: AGC: Window did not work properly with smaller AGC block sizes. Caused clicks and volume jumps.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Unlicensed features were not listed in the bottom of the screen.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Drawable eq's were not displayed correctly (sometimes they got mixed up) in 8.34.
  • Bug workaround: Recovery mechanism added for NAN errors. If a NAN occurs, recovers directly afterwards.
  • Bug fix: Generic plugin buttons didn't work via API.
  • About box: Added more licenses for products used in Stereo Tool.
  • Fixed build warnings.
  • Added templates to Parameter and HTTP Server classes to use them in MicroMPX as well.
  • SST: Slightly updated drawable eq's in web interface.
  • SST: Added preset upload / download / delete.
  • WatchCat: Now uses Windows WMF decoder so all codecs installed in Windows are supported for input.
  • WatchCat: Bug fix: Error 374 at end of processing fixed.
  • WatchCat: Bug fix: Continuous renaming fixed.
  • 2017/05/12 v8.34
  • SST: New licensing mechanism added.
  • Bug fix: SST web interface allocated too much memory on stack, could lead to stack overflows (stack is only 64 kB).
  • Bug fix: Stokkemask Use area set to 0 caused crashes (value was out of range, but one preset used it).
  • Bug fix: Some information was continuously rewritten when Low Quality monitoring was enabled.
  • MicroMPX: Rate control could act up due to clock jumps caused by a bug in Visual Studio. Workaround added.
  • Selecting same Kernel Streaming sound card twice caused weird issues in Windows -> now detected before opening.
  • 2017/04/18 v8.31
  • Bug fix: Stokkemask crash/audio drop fixed (when changing Use area setting and Assymmetry mode was enabled).
  • Bug fix: Sound cards were opened twice on startup.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Limiter sliders were hard to control -> solved.
  • Generic plugin: Button presses now handled if GUI is closed (use '1' as parameter index value).
  • SST: Error popup is now red, clicking on "Clear all errors" removes the popup.
  • 2017/04/12 v8.30
  • Hard Limit: For low latency low Quality settings with low Comp.Clip. strictness could cause big drops in audio level.
  • Hard Limit: Changed speeds, especially for lower latency modes, to reduce certain artifacts.
  • Hard Limit: Improved response shape for less aliasing.
  • Hard Limit: No more (minor) overshoots which cause the output bars to blink in red.
  • Equalizer: Added parametric eq, also with high/low shelves.
  • Windows version: WASAPI, Kernel Streaming and DirectSound support added. Old WINMM interface removed.
  • Linux version: ALSA support added.
  • Mac version: CoreAudio support added. Jack is no longer needed.
  • Synchronization between sound cards improved.
  • Dehummer: Made 'continuous learning' mode. (Very high CPU load, for now).
  • Compressors: Made a new limiter mode.
  • Multiband compressors: Made a new mode where the slopes actually follow the settings.
           Until now, they were compensated for the distance between bands. That might have been useful for some situations,
           but made it harder to recreate the sound of other processors.
  • Multiband compressors: Improved Flat Tops in this new mode.
  • Multiband compressors: Fixed weird jumps in band behavior in this new mode.
  • Natural Dynamics: Changed the dB value calculation and range for "Reduce for jump above";
           changed default setting to 6 dB (instead of 13). This reduces the effect of ND if the input signal is more dynamic.
  • GUI: Now displaying supported sample rates for each sound card.
  • Delossifier: Slightly improved the performance.
  • Delossifier: Fixed several strange bugs, that I've never seen cause any issues - but they might.
  • Stereo Image: Removed some code that wasn't used anymore but still doing calculatons on uninitialized values.
  • Added FM/HD synchronization slider, which doesn't cause complete dropouts (but still glitches) when moving it.
  • Improved the input sound card watchdog.
  • ARM version: Bug fix: AGC, Multibands, Clipper and Stokkemask sometimes caused silence due to NAN's in output.
           Caused by differences in calculation results between Intel/AMD and ARM CPU's.
  • ARM version: Made 'Ignore high frequencies' work and turn it on by default. Upto 20% CPU load reduction!
  • SST: Bigger steps in slider values.
  • SST: Made AGC side chain read-only.
  • SST: Added Quick Adjust page (also available in the Processing page in Stereo Tool).
  • SST: Changed default preset to Ohio Valley.
  • SST: Added widget for version number.
  • SST: Added widget for current preset name.
  • SST: Added built-in help.
  • GUI: Sound cards ordering changed, alphabetical.
  • GUI: Font: Characters in the word "Głośniki" were not displayed correctly, now displayed as Glosniki.
  • Bug fix: AM Transmitter: FM stereo pilot could still be generated if it was enabled.
  • Bug fix: AM Transmitter: Restored Headroom slider, needed to avoid overshoots when using asymmetry.
  • Bug fix: Daylight saving time didn't work anymore since 8.23.
  • Bug fix: Sliders with negative values acted weird due to a rounding issue.
  • Bug fix: Glitches in waveform displays due to too small display buffers which were wrapping, for Threads > 1.
  • Bug fix: Low latency sometimes used the phase linear HPF. This sounds bad, especially when playing vinyl.
  • Bug fix: Web server didn't work in 8.23 due to a typo.
  • Bug fix: Hard Limit didn't fully work in asymmetric composite clipping mode, causing (minor) overshoots.
  • Bug fix: RDS RadioText via ASCII Telnet mode was splitting strings on / characters.
  • Bug fix: Windows command line version was loading setings from a file without .ini at the end.
  • Linux Generic plugin: Callback added on window close.
  • Linux GUI version now also works if no GUI can be displayed.
  • Updated and added some translations.
  • Added and removed some presets.
  • 2017/02/05 v8.23
  • Bug fix: ACR Stereo was broken since version 8.21 in the 64 bit Windows VST version due to a compiler bug,
           potentially also in other versions depending on what CPU is used.
  • 2017/02/04 v8.22
  • Load error in equalizer data in some of the 8.21 builds, due to the 6298/6299 equalizer frequency fix.
  • 2017/02/03 v8.21
  • Compressors: Added Feedback^2 mode. Different behavior from normal Feedback mode, Ratio is .
  • New product: Thimeo WatchCat.
  • Avant version added.
  • RDS encoder: Added code 0 for FM 87.5 in the AF list. Seems to be supported by some receivers.
  • Stereo Tool: Added info to .sts files to allow importing them in Omnia SST.
  • SST: Added possibility to import Stereo Tool settings.
  • SST: Attack and release are now faster when slider moves to the right.
  • SST: Attack Multiplier: Attack is now faster when slider moves to the right.
  • SST: Improved naming of many things, to be compatible with other Omnia products.
  • SST: Disabled 'MULTICORE' for latency 128 and 256, and LQLL.
  • SST: GUI: Added glowing yellow line around SST tray icon, to make it more visible.
  • Bug fix: ACR Stereo caused some mild crackling.
  • Bug fix: RDS quadrature mode could cause crackles and overshoots.
  • Bug fix: SST: Loading a preset stopped server communication. Some changes could get lost due to this.
  • Bug fix: MAC VST version didn't work in OcenAudio (actually a bug in OcenAudio).
  • Bug fix: SST: Multiband text below horizontal meters was upside down.
  • Bug fix: Restarting on unhandled exceptions didn't work in 64 bit version.
  • Bug fix: VLC: potential crash when switching between streams due to memory allocation issue solved.
  • Bug fix: 1 channel audio processing was broken in 8.20.
  • Bug fix: More-than-2 channel audio processing was broken in 8.20 due to what appears to be a compiler bug.
  • Bug fix (Stereo Tool, SST, Omnia.7, .9, .9sg, possibly .11, BreakawayOne):
           Time zone changes ignored after startup on Windows (compiler runtime bug).
  • Bug fix: BS412: Singleband compressor was placed after BS412, should be before.
  • Bug fix: SST: Reset settings when loading preset, it kept the current settings if they were not present in the file.
  • Bug fix: UECP client could hang after connection close. Now a new incoming connection kills the existing one.
  • Bug fix: Equalizer frequency could be either 6298 or 6299 due to rounding errors, causing preset load errors.
  • MicroMPX: New license mechanism for ARM version implemented.
  • Code improvement: Less duplicate code in binary for Compress. Smaller binary, faster build, better performance.
  • 2017/01/05 v8.20
  • Added option to run Stereo Tool as a service.
  • RDS: Moved reading RDS from file to a separate thread, should avoid hiccups when reading from network drives.
  • Added code to handle (restart) and log crashes in sound card drivers and VLC. Not yet fully tested.
  • Linux: Now using Ubuntu 14.04 instead of 16.04 to build (better backward compatibility).
  • Linux: Now statically linking libstd (better backward compatibility).
  • Linux: Switched to newer compiler for better performance (+20%, on both Intel and ARM).
  • Web server: Whitelist allows * as in 192.168.*.* instead of /16 (Leifs formatting), always allow
  • Compressors: Volume jumps on preset changes reduced (compressor adjusts to changing target level).
  • Declipper: Detection (veil) didn't always work properly with > 60 kHz input sample rate.
  • Performance: Reduced CPU load of I/O and processing framework.
  • GUI: Hovering over tray icon now shows version number.
  • GUI: Changed scale of many sliders, dB scale sliders are now 'flat' over the whole range.
  • Bug fix: Potential sound card glitches (bug introduced in 8.12).
  • Bug fix: Crash reported by Camclone
  • Bug fix: FM test tones were broken when using Ignore high frequencies (bug introduced in 8.12).
  • Bug fix: VST plugin no longer cuts off the start of songs (bug introduced in 8.14).
  • Bug fix: UECP port was always used (even if FM disabled).
  • Bug fix: Potential bug in non-ASIO code could cause crashes depending on compiler optimizations (never seen).
  • Bug fix: Potential crackle in lowest multiband band fixed.
  • Rewrote error logging code.
  • Omnia 9sg: Builds with the new framework now.
  • SST: Make IP/PORT changable without web gui.
  • SST: Preset list was empty on first start
  • SST: Improved naming of settings in Processing section.
  • SST: Web interface code compiles separate from SST now.
  • SST: Added importing Stereo Tool presets.
  • SST: Multiple MicroMPX output IP addresses and ports CN.
  • SST: Launch browser automatically on first start.
  • SST: Improved startup screen.
  • SST: Currently active presets highlighted.
  • SST: Prepared for longer list of MicroMPX IP/ports (partially there).
  • SST: Clicking on meters in top bar takes you to the page directly.
  • SST: Top bar meter that corresponds with active screen is highlighted.
  • SST: Add glowing yellow line around SST tray icon, to make it more visible.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Buffer underruns seen on ARM version, caused by logging/tracing library.
  • MicroMPX decoder: Shows more startup info and waits for pressing ENTER at end (command line).
  • MicroMPX decoder: Improved handling of out-of-order and lost packets.
  • 2016/11/29 v8.14
  • Added built-in self test for sound cards.
  • SST: Slider behavior improved (slow vs fast moving the mouse).
  • SST: Preset list was sometimes empty, message added that in this view no presets are available yet.
  • SST: Preset list jumped to new view after opening which looked weird. Fixed.
  • SST: Composite Clipper is on by default.
  • SST: Added presets.
  • Bug fix: SST: Rules are made to be broken disabled when not using dual side band.
  • Bug fix: SST: Clip L/R peaks above was always disabled.
  • Bug fix: Glitches due to missing thread priorities fixed (since 8.12).
  • Bug fix: Non-2 channel audio (1, 5.1, 7.1 etc) didn't work (since 8.12).
  • Bug fix: Stereo Tool web interface was adding %20 marks in text boxes when typing spaces (since 8.12).
  • Bug fix: ASIO in 192 kHz, non-ASIO Normal output set to input audio got 48 kHz audio causing underruns (8.12).
  • Bug fix: CPU core affinities Main 1 and 2 were overwritten by LQLL affinity settings (since 8.12).
  • Bug fix: Volume drop when using old Calibration settings (since 8.12).
  • Bug fix: Heap corruption on close for command line version (only visible when a debugger was attached).
  • Bug fix: Linux: Web interface exceptions when closing the web interface.
  • Bug fix: Weird crash in Adobe Audition 3.0 (from 2007), gone after changing compiler settings.
            Possibly bug in Audition or compiler.
  • Bug fix: Separate thread for SCA input with ASIO didn't work, disabled that option now.
  • Bug fix: GUI: ASIO inputs sometimes showed dotted overlay moving from half-way to top (and disappearing).
  • Bug fix: GUI: Values for Max Attack and Max Release were displayed incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: ASIO buffer was too small, could cause glitches after a buffer underrun.
  • Bug fix: Improved sound card synchronization constant clock speed determination.
  • Bug fix: Sound card timeout times increased to take VLC connection time into account.
  • Bug fix: VST version didn't work in Wavosaur. Cause unknown but it works now.
  • GUI: Gate vs Gate Freeze ranges were different, causing sliders to go outside of their range.
  • VST plugin: Process function crashed when called with < 0 samples (Wavosaur empty file bug).
  • Added, removed and updates presets.
  • 2016/10/24 v8.12
  • Framework: Added support for upto 7(+7) threads, works much better on slower CPU's with many cores.
  • Framework: Added Quality settings > 100% (OmniaSST only).
            With this, latency can go down to 128 samples (5 ms analog input to analog output).
  • Framework: Smooth preset switching - no more hiccups if the same filters are used, also faster.
  • Linux version: High CPU load (100%) in one thread fixed.
  • Linux version: Made plugin for Rivendell (and other programs that want to use it). Not yet fully tested.
  • Linux version: Didn't run on Fedora. Fixed.
  • Memory usage reduced.
  • Sound cards: Resampler improved, now measures separate buffer filling and speed offsets.
  • AGC: Added Gain slider.
  • AGC: Added Windowing.
  • Compressors: Added Windowing.
  • Composite Clipper: Rules are there to be broken mode could cause occasional 1-sample overshoots. Fixed.
  • Low Latency monitoring: Affinity setting added.
  • Low Latency monitoring: Latency selection added.
  • Removed lower lowpass filter for high frequency input at lower latencies, not needed anymore.
  • GUI: Showing AGC gating the same way as for compressors
  • GUI: Low Latency monitoring: CPU usage display added.
  • GUI: Added 'Hear' buttons to listen to the output upto this point.
  • GUI: Fixed synchronization issue between meters, scopes and audio.
  • GUI: Help pop-ups also work on Mac OS X now.
  • GUI: Renamed PNR Noise & Hum to Dehummer.
  • Web server: Multi-threading added. Now handles upto 10 requests simultaneously.
  • Web server: no-cache added to objects.js.
  • Web server: Automatically add index.html if a directory is specified.
  • Web interface: Added white list for logging in.
  • Web interface: Added spectrum display for Delossifier and Absolute Highs.
  • Web interface: Buttons didn't work.
  • Generic plugin: Added option to make the plugin access input and output sound cards (Windows only).
  • Bug fix: Potential crash in ASIO when changing channels fixed.
  • Bug fix: Potential crash when zooming waveforms fixed.
  • Bug fix: Latency with ASIO was not fully predictable on restarts. Fixed, allows for slightly lower latencies.
  • 2016/06/21 v8.00
  • Added Delossifier, repairs MPEG-compressed audio.
  • Added Absolute Highs, generates lost (lowpass filtered) high frequencies.
  • Added FM MPX Analyzer with MPX demodulator, RF bandwidth view and Left/Right/Quadrature (!) decoder.
  • Added RDS ASCII external input support for programs such as Arctic Palm, RDS Magic.
  • AGC: Added Ratio control.
  • Composite Clipper: Added "Rules are there to be broken" mode for extra loudness and clarity.
  • Clipper: Added "Multipath Stereo Phase Difference Remover" to improves reception and reduce multipath.
  • FM: Added Polar stereo encoder for OIRT 65-74 MHz (Soviet system) FM stations.
  • FM: BS412: Filter bass based on ITU.1770 instead of the existing kinda-randomly-chosen weighing.
  • AM: Added test tones, including a sawtooth with a pauze at 0.
  • Improved resampling between sound cards (more improvements are still needed).
  • Raspberry Pi: Optimized the code a bit.
  • Linux versions: Remove wxWidgets, replaced by pure XLib.
  • Mac OS X versions: Remove wxWidgets, replaced by pure Cocoa (VST: only 64 bit so far).
  • GUI: Auto-hiding deprecated pages and sections if they are disabled:
            AGC: "Compatibility & behavior" header
            "Bass AGC (Old)"
            "Classic Multiband Compressor"
            "Classic Singlenband"
            "Pre-limiter (no longer needed since Leif's clipper improvements)"
  •         Advanced Clipper: "Bass protection (Deprecated)" heading
            Advanced Clipper: "Highs gap protection" heading (replaced by Leif's gap protection)
  • GUI: Auto-hiding deprecated settings if they are set to the optimal value:
            Leif's clipper efficiency modification checkbox (overruled by Leif's clipping strictness)
            Composite clipping Strictness (CPU) checkbox
            Phase rotation: "At start of processing" checkbox
            All Singleband and Multiband "Compressor type" (Analog/digital) pull-downs
            Multiband and Natural Dynamics Flat Frequency Response "Compatibility mode (bad)" checkbox
            Advanced Clipper: "Smooth slope" setting (under Distortion)
            Advanced Clipper: "Upsampled highs clipping (useless)" setting (under Distortion)
            Advanced Clipper: Stokkemask: "Force Stokkemask even if not using Composite Clipper (bad for audio)"
            BS412: "De-basser non-ITU.1770 compatibility mode (bad)" checkbox
  • GUI: Added tool tips.
  • GUI: Add indicator that a setting has been modified.
  • GUI: Added 'reset' mode to last-loaded setting beside the existing reset to default.
  • GUI: Made scope skinnable.
  • GUI: BS412 disabled Advanced Clipper Drive.
  • GUI: AM: Added 'Forcibly remove DC offset' to the AM settings panel.
  • GUI: Hide Stereo Tool and Thimeo names in whitelabel builds.
  • GUI: Made distinction between switches and on/off buttons.
  • GUI: Added Multiband 'Quick Overview' screen with the most important settings.
  • GUI: Redesigned Simple mode pages: Single screen overview.
  • GUI: Added names 'Diversity Delay' and 'HD' to indicate that it can be used for HD.
  • GUI: Made R3LAY skinned version for LAWO R3LAY.
  • Command line version now also handles licensing properly.
  • Bug fix: Fixed VST DLL unload bug that affected Adobe Audition.
  • Bug fix: Fixed crackle at startup caused by "Ignore High Frequencies" (even if disabled).
  • Bug fix: BS412 was still active when FM was disabled.
  • Bug fix: Sound card setting "Input without processing" didn't work in stand alone version.
  • Bug fix: ASIO: Fixed 16/24 bit LSB modes used by new AudioScience 192 kHz card.
  • Bug fix: ASIO: Added a check to get rid of a small memory leak in the ASIO SDK.
  • Web interface: Added "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" to binary HTTP protocol to support cross-server scripting.
  • Generic plugin API: Added GetApiVersion function.
  • Generic plugin API: Added stereoTool_IsLicenseValid function.
  • Added, updated, removed and reordered presets.
  • 2015/12/31 v7.84
  • Improved quality of bass, ringing artifacts cleanup filter caused some clicking effects in low bass (Since v 5.00!).
  • Added 8x oversampled non-phase linear Butterworth de-emphasis to match some hardware unit's pre-emphasis.
  • Sound cards: Added backup sound card support (sound card 1 switches to 2 after some silence).
  • True Bass: Add highpass filter for lower latencies because it can cause very low subs, caussing problems on FM.
  • Highpass filter: Improved non-phase linear HPF a bit, works better when used after other filters now.
  • ASIO: Only claim the channels that are actually in use.
  • ASIO: Add 'already in use' as possible cause to ASIO claimBuffers error message.
  • ASIO: Added Left/Right indications in dropdown list.
  • ASIO: Changed default channels to disabled except for Normal Output and Input.
  • ASIO: Add more output selections - Increased from 8 to 32.
  • Ignore High Freqs: Added Auto frequency option. Determines lowest possible value for max CPU load reduction.
  • PNR: Settings now stored in .sts file for VST plugins (partial fix of the problem).
  • Clipper: De-esser: Changed default value, now disabled by default. Reduces the CPU load.
  • GUI: MPX display disabled when waveform display is disabled.
  • GUI: Improved RESET, now gives preferred values instead of traditonal values needed for old preset compatibility.
  • GUI: Disable Composite Limiter slider when Hard Limit is disabled.
  • GUI: Bug fix: Phase Delay was not grayed out in Bypass mode.
  • Bug fix: Some settings were net reset when loading a default preset in previous version.
  • Bug fix: VST: GUI-related hiccups in Adobe Audition.
  • Bug fix: Synchronization to external RDS signal could sometimes have a hiccup due to a threading issue.
  • Bug fix: BS412 level calculation was wrong for L/R instead of MPX output when using non-Pre-emph output.
  • Generic Plugin: Add function to Get parameter values.
  • Added new presets.
  • 2015/11/26 v7.83
  • FM: Add extra pre-emphasis for clipping for stations that send the processed FM signal through a lossy codec.
  • Web interface: Added Presets dropdown menu and Bypass in web interface top bar.
  • Sound card control: Slightly better low latency handling for non-ASIO.
  • Sound card control: Auto synchronization mode means OFF when any of the affected buffer sizes is < 250 ms.
  • Bug fix: Error in AM AF frequency list for RDS. Some high AM frequencies might not have been encoded correctly.
  • Bug fix: Simple Clipper Pre-limiter amplification was performed even when Simple Clipper was disabled.
  • GUI: Bug fix: True Bass was called WARM BASS in the LOAD/SAVE menu, and WB in bottom menu.
  • GUI: Bug fix: Lowpass filter frequency was displayed incorrectly for Separately processed streaming output.
  • GUI: Bug fix: Pre-emphasis for MP3 was shown disabled when using Separately processed streaming output.
  • Code: Redesigned for faster compiling.
  • Updated presets.
  • Generic plugin: Added function to set parameter values.
  • Generic plugin: Added export of ParameterEnum for generic plugin customers.
  • 2015/11/14 v7.82
  • Bug fix: In 7.80 Automatic restart could be triggered incorrectly when the buffer size was very small.
  • Bug fix: Fixed some small issues caused by the Thimeo framework rewrite, had no effect.
  • 2015/11/11 v7.81
  • Bug fix: In 7.80 64-bit versions, text entrance fields showed * instead of characters.
  • Bug fix: In 7.80 non-phase linear highpass filter didn't work.
  • Bug fix: In 7.80 low latency phase rotation filter didn't work.
  • Bug fix: In certain cases, Automatic restart could keep restarting after sound card problems.
  • 2015/11/08 v7.80
  • Added True Bass filter.
  • Multibands (analog): Added Spectral Balance Compensation.
  • Added Raspberry Pi 2 build (requires jackd2, for now).
  • Bug fix: GUI: VST window to small in some VST hosts.
  • Sound cards: Added automatic detection whether synchronization is needed. To avoid settings that cause hiccups.
  • Non-composite clipper: Stokkemask enabled again
  • Composite Clipper: Stokkemask: Default strictness changed from 2 to 3.
  • ACR Stereo: Fixed weird effect at extremely low latencies, caused by too steep highpass filtering.
  • Performance: Found a small issue in Ignore High Frequencies that might have caused a slightly higher CPU load.
  • Plug-ins: Added option to boost the level and fix the balance of input audio.
  • Plug-ins: Added option to reduce FM output volume, useful when streaming the output to a transmitter site.
  • GUI: Show a warning when the sample rate is too low for stereo/RDS.
  • GUI: Show a warning that Declipper input waveform display doesn't work when using Ignore High Frequencies.
  • GUI: Auto-reduce update speed on CPU with 1 or 2 cores if CPU load is high.
  • GUI: Password hidden during typing.
  • GUI: Added 'Get from clipboard' button for entering license key.
  • Bug fix: On some systems, an exception could occur when changing band frequencies due to a threading bug.
  • Bug fix: Winamp plug-in: High value for "Plug-in host latency" caused crashes.
  • Bug fix: Setting Stokkemask Use area to 0% (which makes no sense) caused an exception. Range changed.
  • Bug fix: Server: Protect against memory reallocation fails when zooming out in the main GUI. Thimeo mode only.
  • Bug fix: Dequantizer: Small audio bug found, might have caused a mild vibration effect in the removed noise.
  • Bug fix: Console version: Error: -k: Key <xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyx> is invalid message for long keys.
  • Bug fix: FM wasn't automatically turned off when selecting a non-FM preset in the last few versions.
  • Bug fix: UECP PS/RT texts were sent through the Stereo Tool RDS parser, now not anymore.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Ignore High Frequencies: Frequency < 19000 and Quality < 50% made FM output meter go blank.
  • Updated Thimeo framework which was broken since version 7.71. Latency in plug-in versions is still too high.
  • Code: Finalized integration with Omnia.9sg.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • 2015/08/23 v7.73
  • Bug fix: MAC GUI version can crash on startup
  • Bug fix: Clicks in Foobar2000 with VST version with SOX resampler in front of it,depending on resampling settings.
  • Bug fix: GUI: VST window to small in some VST hosts.
  • Bug fix: GUI: 50us/75us icons in GUI displayed disabled when on, not at all when off.
  • Bug fix: GUI: BS412 refresh bug.
  • Bug fix: 2048 latency Dequantizer distortion in multicore mode.
  • Bug fix: Spike in signal at Ignore High Frequencies frequency, multiple causes.
  • Re-enabled Stokkemask for non-composite output, available again in Expert mode. Advise: Don't use it.
  • 2015/08/16 v7.72
  • RDS: Added UECP support for external RDS control.
  • RDS: Added option to use 2nd sound card input for an external RDS encoder (PLL synchronizes with pilot).
  • SFN (Single Frequency Networks): Added invert setting.
  • Web server: Dynamic starting and stopping without restart.
  • Bug fix: 7.71 had some logging enabled in Low Latency monitoring which could cause issues.
  • Bug fix: 7.60-7.71 Mac VST version used a library that wasn't present on most systems, could not be started.
  • Bug fix: Phase Delay: Worked differently at different 'Ignore high frequencies' settings.
  • Bug fix: GUI: In Logged out mode some screens were still accessible.
  • 2015/08/10 v7.71 Huge (upto 45%) total CPU load reduction, improved clipper audio quality.
  • CPU: Added 'Ignore high frequencies above', gives 10-20% global CPU load reduction.
  • CPU: Greatly reduced overhead (CPU load when not doing any processing).
  • CPU: Clipper: ABDP: Reduced default number of Bass Clipper steps from 4 to 1.
  • CPU: clipper: Optimize Highs Gap Protection (Omnia.9 trick from Leif Claesson - from 16 to 3 stages).
  • CPU: Clipper: Highs gap protection: Use 1 stage for non-FM.
  • CPU: Composite Clipper: Implemented Leif Claesson's more efficient mirrorring method.
  • CPU: Composite Clipper: Optimized steps using Omnia interface, much fewer steps for same result.
  • CPU: Composite clipper: Stokkemask: Skipping outer parts of window, upto 25% CPU load reduction.
  • CPU: Composite clipper: Stokkemask: Made a single compliant and much more efficient quality mode.
  • CPU: Composite Clipper: Stokkemask: Optimized FM exciter code.
  • CPU: Composite Clipper: Don't oversample when not needed. Big CPU load reduction. Idea from Leif Cleasson.
  • CPU: Added some #pragma's to make compiler generate more efficient code
  • Memory: 85 MB reduction, a.o. by dynamically allocating waveform display memory.
  • Clipper: Improved audio issues reported by Leif Cleasson and Wolf Stahl (certain rare sounds were muffled).
  • Clipper: Added 'Sparkling Highs' for brighter more open sound, and less ducking on loud tones.
  • Clipper: Added lowpass filter after clipper in non-composite mode.
  • Clipper: Made several changes that make it sound more open en brighter.
  • Single Frequency Networks: Add delay for one MPX output to synchronize audio between 2 transmitters.
  • Removed Stokkemask mode for non-composite FM clipper (didn't work too well anyway).
  • RDS: Added some character conversions (€ -> E, ` -> ', ...).
  • GUI: Improved CPU load measurement (more code covered, values are now average instead of mean based).
  • GUI: Add Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn buttons to About box.
  • GUI: Changed tone generation FM enable/disable and order.
  • GUI: Made VST window bigger.
  • GUI: Bug fix: Declipper display was broken in 7.70 for input sample rates > 48 kHz, view size > 100 ms.
  • GUI: Added option to add a text in the title bar to easily recognize multiple instances.
  • GUI: Allow drawing scopes in half-height to have more headroom above and below.
  • Bug fix: Low Latency Monitoring output PNR caused internal crashes.
  • Bug fix: SCA generation was broken in the last versions.
  • Bug fix: Mac VST version didn't load in 7.70.
  • Bug fix: Turning Bandpass Highpass filter off didn't really turn it off.
  • Bug fix: Exception 'Got unknown widget ID' in HttpServer fixed.
  • Bug fix: Composite Clipper FM overhead level was calculated incorrectly (audio is now upto 0.05 dB louder).
  • Re-checked and fixed all messages from Valgrind on Linux.
  • Code: Redesigned parameter classes and moved everything around for integration with other products.
  • Code: No longer allocating variables statically because it no longer seems to have any performance benefits.
  • Changed default preset to Analog Pleasure (soft) without paid features.
  • Added and updated presets.
  • 2015/06/03 v7.70
  • Added second Multiband Compressor.
  • Added new Dequantizer filter to increase the bit depth of recordings.
  • Added resampler for Normal Output to solve hiccups when using multiple output sound cards or virtual cables.
  • Added auto-restart behavior if buffers get too full or too empty.
  • Added upto 12.5 seconds of audio delay for HD radio.
  • Added support for built-in GUI skins.
  • Added option to show beta version number in title bar.
  • RDS: Added RT+ support.
  • Compressors: Made new 'Analog' compressor design based on behavior of water pressure control systems and hydraulic automatically closing doors. Sounds better and uses far less CPU.
  • Compressors: Made new Limiter (only used in combination with new compressor mode).
  • Compressors: Made Limit before Compress switchable in all compressor modes.
  • After-AGC Singleband Compressor: Added new Analog compressor mode with new limiter.
  • Final Singleband Compressor: Added new Analog compressor mode with new limiter.
  • Multiband Compressor: Added new Analog compressor mode with new limiter.
  • Multiband Compressor: Added Freeze/Gate for all bands combined (Analog mode only).
  • GUI: Improved display for bigger screens.
  • GUI: Increased maximum waveform display from 3.2 to 10 seconds.
  • GUI: Made line around Phase Delay in bottom display less bright.
  • GUI: Save settings .ini when saving the settings to any file.
  • GUI: Improved Compressors gate and limiter display (new Analog mode only).
  • Singleband Compressors: Don't allow Threshold values below 0.5 dB.
  • CPU: Optimized Clipper and GUI.
  • CPU: Small overall performance optimizations.
  • CPU: Optimized synchronization between sound cards code - factor 5 CPU load reduction.
  • Multipath Clipper: Made it stricter (use Smoothing mode).
  • Bug fix: Linux 32 bit version is working again in Ubuntu 13/14 (was a compiler optimization bug).
  • Bug fix: RDS: Fixed time zone 30 minute offset problem.
  • Bug fix: Compressors: When gate is set to -99 dB, release stops working.
  • Bug fix: Multiband Compressor: Band Link did not work in 3-band mode.
  • Bug fix: Multiband Compressor: Frequency band shift (10%, since 7.51 or 7.60).
  • Bug fix: Multiband Compressor: Filtering issue when using Density Drive > 1.00.
  • Bug fix: Crash when changing certain Stokkemask clipper settings..
  • Bug fix: Saving FM sound card issue in VST: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6027&p=29066#p29066 .
  • Bug fix: GUI: Delay of Delossifier in display.
  • Bug fix: GUI: 'Load default values' question for MB #bands don't ask again didn't work.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Composite clipper used but not registered warning wasn't shown.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Threshold and knee were labeled 'Speeds' instead of 'Levels'.
  • Fixed 'uninitialized memory read' warnings (reported by Intel Inspector XE).
  • ProppFrexx integration: Added RDS control via VST (canDo, vendorSpecific).
  • Updated skins, presets and translation.
  • 2015/01/09 v7.60
  • Added PNR Noise & Hum filter that removes constant tones (such as a 50/60 Hz hum) and reduces noise.
  • Phase Delay: Solved multiple bugs that caused it to basically not work at all.
  • Phase Delay: Increased range from 10 ms to 60 ms for more control.
  • Phase Delay: Added settings to control the increase in latency.
  • Multiband compressor: Added Band Coupling matrix which overrules the standard band coupling settings.
  • Multiband compressor: Added "Only pull down" checkbox to Band Coupling for more consistency.
  • Multiband compressor: Added band linking (different from already existing band coupling).
  • Multiband compressor: Fixed distortion in limiters when using band coupling or linking.
  • Advanced Clipper: ABDP: Drop in output when strongly clipping around 2600-4000 Hz is reduced.
  • Advanced Clipper: ABDP: Made deep bass slope smoother. Result: Warmer, more open, less 'restrained' sound.
  • Advanced Clipper: ABDP: Added "Sloppy" slider. 0.5 dB more highs, less pumping, but more distortion.
  • Advanced Clipper: ABDP: Added extra step that reduces intermodulation distortion from bass in voices.
  • Advanced Clipper: Highs Gap Protection: Drop in spectrum between 3.5-3.8 kHz now smoothed over 2.4-4.8 kHz.
  • Advanced Clipper: Highs Gap Protection: Now stricter than before.
  • Performance: Optimized band coupling in MB compressor; ignoring bands with coupling < 0.5%.
  • Performance: Optimized Phase Equalizer. Replaced Convolution by complex Fourier transform multiplication.
  • GUI: Improved layout for very high resolutions (2560x1920).
  • GUI: Made CPU affinity more user friendly (pulldown and masks as backup)
  • GUI: Split filters in Restoration / Processing.
  • GUI: Display FM lowpass frequency at bottom when FM output is used.
  • GUI: Made Configuration, Repair and Processing settings saveable separately.
  • GUI: Strange jumps in waveform displays at 100 and 200 ms buffer size fixed.
  • GUI: Added password protected mode.
  • GUI: Made top section smaller in password protected mode
  • GUI: Reorganized Advanced Clipper ABDP panel.
  • GUI: Moved Phase Rotation and Phase Delay to correct place in menu and bottom bar.
  • GUI: Made 2 lowpass freqs both visible.
  • GUI: Removed vertical line at start when drawing PEQ graphs (equalizer, Phase Delay).
  • GUI: Made Phase Delay visible in the bottom of the screen.
  • Web Interface: Added support for buttons.
  • Web interface: Fixed Strings input.
  • Re-recorded 'This sound is processed by Stereo Tool' sample which is played when using unregistered features.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Fix crash when clicking on volume bars.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Buttons could cause memory problems if the window is very small (texts get mangled).
  • Bug fix: Potential GUI crash at certain display sizes fixed.
  • Bug fix: Web Interface - Some pull-down menu settings don't match with main GUI.
  • Bug fix: Improved HTTP server behavior on program close (could cause exception if it was processing a request).
  • Bug Fix: Clipper crashed in multicore mode if there are more than 2 audio channels.
  • Bug fix: Solved exception which occurred sometimes when loading presets.
  • Added, updated and removed presets, among others added a microphone processing preset.
  • Updated Russian translation.
  • Added function to VST plugin to overrule RDS settings for Proppfrexx integration.
  • Created "Generic" plugin format for customers who want more control (Polish media group).
  • 2014/11/21 v7.51
  • Added separate FM and AM lowpass frequency setting; stream output uses a different frequency than FM/AM.
  • Added separate volume for 1st and 2nd MPX output.
  • Added Multiband Pre-Limiter. Protects clipper against volume effects (pumping) and distortion.
  • Added Bass Boost "Drive" slider for better control.
  • CPU load: Added faster processing paths for SSE3, SSE4.1/2, AXV and AVX2. Upto 20% performance improvement.
  • CPU load: Optimized Delossifier.
  • CPU load: Optimized Stokkemask (CPU load reduced by around 70%).
  • Delossifier: Disabled at low latencies and monitoring output (adds latency, makes no sense in lower latency modes).
  • Compressor/Limiters: Moved limiter before compressor. Slows down the attack speed when limiting, giving a more stable sound.
  • Limiters: Solved distortion when limiting bass sounds.
  • Limiters: Default "Limiter Distortion" values changed. Range increased downwards from 1.0% to 0.2%.
  • Advanced Clipper: Stokkemask: Redesigned to have less impact on the audio.
  • Advanced Clipper: Made highs clipping level configurable.
  • Advanced Clipper: FM Multipath protection: Improved the behavior, effect is much bigger now.
  • Web interface improved (scales to screen size, many widgets added).
  • GUI: Simplified tilt correction. Only one slider left.
  • GUI: Added CPU load display (as text) to the CPU load sliders.
  • GUI: FM: Add volume meters which show MPX and Left/Right above 100% modulation
  • GUI: Added warning that it's better to use ASIO and setting the sample rate correctly in Windows.
  • GUI: Changed band steepness minimum values for Multiband/Natural Dynamics from 6 to 3 dB/octave.
  • Code improvement: Assigned unique ID's to built-in presets, to make it easier to add, remove and shuffle presets.
  • Code improvement: Added lots of extra checks that will warn in case of certain software bugs.
  • Bug fix: Potential audio dropout in FM output with Tilt correction enabled solved.
  • Bug fix: Potential audio dropout in several other filters (ACR Stereo among other) solved.
  • Bug fix: Potential GUI error caused by same cause as audio dropout solved.
  • Bug fix: Potential erroneous insertion of very high frequencies at lower latencies solved.
  • Bug fix: Single-channel file in plugin version caused crashes when using the composite clipper.
  • Bug fix: GUI: Tilt calibration was reset when loading a preset, removed.
  • Bug fix: RDS ClockTime summer time mode on 64 bit OS's fixed.
  • Bug fix: Stokkemask "Skip Smoothing" mode didn't work properly.
  • Bug fix: Bug that caused sliders and top menu to stop working fixed.
  • Bug fix: Calculation of FM MPX left/right peaks was wrong when using Composite Limiter.
  • Bug fix: MPX Power calculation was wrong after switching to a different sample rate.
  • Bug fix: Fixed broken GUI display in AM mode when in full-screen
  • Added new and removed old presets.
  • 2014/07/27 v7.50
  • Added new ACR (Attack Controlled Repeat) Stereo enhancer. Gives better control over amount of stereo, sounds more sparkling and can be set to boost transients more. You should probably turn Stereo Boost off when using this.
  • Stand alone version: Added Balance slider for input sound card.
  • Added 64 bit Linux versions. Should remove the need to install lots of 32 bit libraries.
  • CPU load: Issues on single-core systems in versions 7.43 and 7.44 are gone again.
  • GUI: Made Extreme Tweaker mode less accessible. Contains options that you should never touch. Now first shows confirmation window.
  • GUI: Made all Stereo on/off switches available in Stereo overview panel.
  • Bug fix: Natural Dynamics boosted certain bands (esp. bass) too long and too much in versions 7.43 and 7.44.
  • Bug fix: Memory leak in Mac VST GUI nearly completely removed. Might fix some issues.
  • Bug fix: ASIO code could crash on buffer size changes (very rarely).
  • Amateur/HAM radio: SCA encoding now available in plugin versions. (Requires Extreme Tweaker mode).
  • Presets: Added some presets.
  • 2014/07/07 v7.44
  • Error message about bad sound card ID's changed (it does not always require a restart).
  • Bug fix: FM transmitter synchronization did not function properly in stand alone version.
  • Bug fix: Setting some AGC settings to 0 could 'lock' the AGC. Setting to 0 no longer possible.
  • Bug fix: Changing MB flatness or frequency sliders no longer causes weird noises.
  • Bug fix: Invalid (NAN) values sent to compressor and clipper are now handled gracefully.
  • Bug fix: Loading a preset turned auto-start with Windows and watchdog off.
  • Bug fix: Sound card watchdog sometimes kicked in too soon - changed the timing.
  • Bug fix: AM frequency display is now hidden when no updates are calculated.
  • Presets: AM presets now turn on AM mode, US AM presets also turn on AM pre-emphasis.
  • 2014/07/01 v7.43
  • Added separate processing for FM and Normal (or plugin host) output.
  • Streaming output: Added option to send output to a stream using VLC.
  • Streaming input: Added option to pass extra parameters to input VLC (just type them after the URL).
  • Limiters: Greatly improved limiter behavior. Limiter (in all compressors) now works much tighter, causing less pumping and less distortion.
  • Usability: Added sound card error popup screen with better error messages.
  • Lower CPU load when using streaming with low pre-emphasis values, by using LQ Hole Protection mode.
  • AM Transmitter: Added AM Transmitter panel.
  • AM Transmitter: Added NRSC AM pre-emphasis curve (slightly different from the FM 75 μs curve).
  • AM Transmitter: Added C-QUAM AM Stereo compliant clipping and limiting.
  • AM Transmitter: Headroom slider added; no more need to abuse Post Amp to make headroom for asymmetry.
  • AM Transmitter: Added Downmix to Mono button checkbox to AM panel.
  • AM Transmitter audio now uses FM sound card settings (including tilt correction).
  • AM Transmitter: MPX (frequency) graph now also visible in AM mode.
  • Added auto-start with Windows option.
  • Added Watchdog, regularly checks that sound card inputs and outputs are working. If no audio runs for a longer period, sound cards and later Stereo Tool gets restarted (stand alone version only).
  • Added Exception handling: Exceptions should never occur, but if they do, they are now handled gracefully: They are logged and shown to the user, an attempt is made to continue processing, if that fails (exceptions keep occurring) Stereo Tool (stand alone version only) can be restarted automatically.
  • Added Event FM License (lower price, works 3 days at a time).
  • Added CPU load (actually, percentage of time busy with processing) display.
  • Added an error popup window if sound cards cannot be opened.
  • Added translations (Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian).
  • SCA frequencies are now configurable for HAM radio.
  • Reduced memory usage of stand alone version.
  • Merged in older changes from a separate project, should not have any noticeable effects for end users.
  • Bug fix: Fixed crash that could occur when switching input from sound card to VLC and back to sound card.
  • Bug fix: VLC input channels could get swapped. Fixed.
  • Bug fix: VLC input with Low Quality Low Latency output hangs. Output is now disabled when VLC input is used.
  • Bug fix: Opening sound cards could fail sometimes if ASIO and non-ASIO were combined using the same sound card. Fixed by opening the non-ASIO connections first, which appears to solve the issue.
  • Bug fix: Compressor Difference mode didn't always work properly.
  • Code improvement: Ran code checkers cppcheck and PVS-Studio and fixed all the (real) issues they reported.
  • 2014/05/19 v7.42
  • Marian Trace Alpha on Windows 7: Added workaround to avoid driver hangups, which occurred on some systems after some performance optimizations done in version 7.41.
  • Added 'Flat tops' mode to Multiband Compressor and Natural Dynamics.
  • Added experimental DeLossifier (MP3 artifacts removal filter). So far it only reduces pre-ringing a bit.
  • Sound card control: Added locking to non-ASIO audio to protect buffers.
  • Declipper: Sound at extremely low latencies (256 samples or less) improved.
  • 7.41 bug fix: AM Assymmetry in combination with FM pre-emphasis enabled again.
  • 7.41 bug fix: Deemphasized audio didn't work properly under all circumstances in 7.41, fixed again.
  • 7.41 bug fix: Fixed potential crash due to a rounding error in the compressor in 64 bit VST plugin.
  • 7.41 bug fix: Linux version crashed un startup.
  • Code improvement: Potential rounding error in compressor (which could lead to all kinds of issues) fixed.
  • Code improvement: Initializing some values that were never initialized before.
  • Code improvement: Several 'Division by 0' situations (which were masked so they didn't cause problems) are now completely removed.
  • Perfect Declipper separate product now uses the same code base as Stereo Tool again.
  • Added a lot of new presets.
  • 2014/02/26 v7.41
  • Big code cleanup.
  • Performance: Removed a lot of threads that might cause unpredictable performance behavior.
  • Performance: No longer sending data through a separate thread for some final processing.
  • Performance: Optimized FM Composite Limiter (50% less CPU), also no more extra latency (was 2 ms).
  • Performance: Optimized Natural Dynamics (80% less CPU, apart from channel splitting).
  • Performance: Optimized Compressors.
  • Performance: Optimized sound card handling (40% less CPU).
  • Performance: RF spectrum calculation now uses a lookup table for sin() calculations.
  • Performance/Bug fix: RF spectrum calculation analyzed more data than needed before (75% less CPU).
  • Performance: Redesigned and optimized Simple Clipper.
  • Performance: Optimized clipper bass handling performance.
  • Performance: Removed a few 'division by 0' protections that appear to be unnecessary.
  • Performance: Optimized RDS encoder.
  • Performance: Rewrote code to remove a lot of unnecessary data conversions.
  • Performance: Noise Gate/Stereo Boost: Pre-calculating some values values.
  • Performance: Optimized for memory caching.
  • Memory usage: Reduced by about half (DSP version: From 200 MB to 100 MB, Stand alone: From 197 to 113 MB).
  • Sound card: Several optimizations done. Buffer filling might look a bit different than before, but now if you don't see an empty buffer it won't crackle (before it could).
  • ASIO: Removed buffering step, this might in some cases allow slightly less latency.
  • ASIO: Added hiccup/crackling protection: Preliminary data is placed in the sound card buffer so something gets played in case of hiccups.
  • ASIO: Fixed low latency output with ASIO block sizes below 256 samples.
  • ASIO: Fixed buffer size calculation. Old versions reported the wrong time in the display.
  • Hard Limit: In Composite Clipper mode, it caused very soft (inaudible?) clicking sounds in previous versions. Fixed. Also made spectrum cleaner.
  • Low Latency Monitoring: Now uses the normal processing code instead of a separate code path. Sounds more like real output.
  • Low latency: Improved AGC behavior.
  • Low latency: Fixed AZIMUTH behavior.
  • Low latency: Fixed Phase Rotation frequency effects (now compensating for loss at certain freqs).
  • Low latency: Improved Multiband and Singleband limiting and compression.
  • Low latency: Clipper 'Advanced Bass Distortion Protection' did not work properly at latency 128.
  • Low latency: Slightly improved equalizer behavior to sound more like the higher latencies.
  • AGC: Added Power Highs filter (similar to Power Bass, under AGC).
  • AGC: Moved Power Bass and Power Highs to before the wideband AGC to improve volume level consistency.
  • AGC: Power Bass and Highs: Sudden fast rise of bass or highs is limited, new slider 'Release boost' added.
  • AGC: Power Bass: Sidechain option removed.
  • Stereo Image: Fixed most of the artifacts! No longer marked as Deprecated.
  • Fixed 'Post filter for DC offset' problem.
  • Bug fix: Carbon Coder Stereo Tool TV plugin hangup when normalizing for R128, reported by FOX TV.
  • Added HQ mode. Not available for users.
  • FM output for input sample rates below 30 kHz is no longer possible!
  • 2013/12/24 v7.40
  • Declipper: Fixed several bugs (reported by Leif Claesson), output sounds better.
  • AGC: Added "Power Bass" mode. Makes deep bass far more constant and stronger (feedback from Wouter Tietema and Jeff Prins).
  • AGC: Release did not respond the same at very high input levels. Old behavior still present for compatibility.
  • AGC: Audio level was more consistent at lower latency settings. Same consistency now also for high latency.
  • AGC: Added matrix mode (L+R/L-R processing) for stereo expansion. Not really great though...
  • Compressor/Limiter: Improved and optimized code for compressors, limiters and Natural Dynamics.
  • Compressors: Added Continuous Release mode for compressors.
  • Limiters: Improved limiter attack and release behavior. Much tighter, far less pumping.
  • FM: Replaced Multipath Clipper by something that works better and affects the audio less. Feedback wanted!
  • Stand alone version: Added option to receiving a stream via VLC (must be installed).
  • Stand alone version: FM: Added FM transmitter synchronization to stand alone version.
  • FM: BS412: Memory and CPU usage reduced.
  • FM: Rewrote Stokkemask code and added some options to control behavior and CPU load.
  • Advanced Clipper: Added Controlled Distortion, including intermodulation distortion detection.
  • Command line version --samplerate option to use different sample rates. Allows outputting MPX.
  • Command line version --r128 option for R128 normalization.
  • Sound cards: Added hysterisis when changing buffer size to avoid Juli@ ASIO driver crashes.
  • Sound cards: Auto-restart in case of driver errors.
  • Sound cards: Join input sound cards for Rockland/Radio SAW (stations with normal and regional content).
  • GUI: Added multi-language support.
  • GUI: Metering: Added scales to meters.
  • GUI: Metering: MPX power added.
  • GUI: RDS: Use RDBS PTY names when using 75 us pre-emphasis.
  • GUI: Added full screen mode; hides all window bars and Windows task bar.
  • GUI: Added zooming in/out to waveform displays, optimized code, made it possible to turn the display off.
  • GUI: Added warning when closing.
  • GUI: Moved Phase Shaping to under Phase Rotator (since it's hardly used or useful).
  • GUI: CPU load for moving mouse over Bands or Equalizer displays greatly reduced.
  • GUI: Improved multi-touch screen handling.
  • GUI: Improved VMware detection.
  • GUI: Renamed some Natural Dynamics settings for clarity.
  • GML Plugin: GUI: Removed new version notification from GML plugin.
  • GML Plugin: Added R128 normalization.
  • Bug fix: Compressors did not handle audio with more than 2 channels properly.
  • Updated existing built-in presets to run with the new RMS mode.
  • Added presets.
  • 2013/09/27 v7.31
  • Added 64 bit Windows VST version, with AVX support (2nd generation i3/5/7, Windows 7/8).
  • Added 64 bit Windows stand alone version, with AVX support (2nd generation i3/5/7, Windows 7/8).
  • Improved Natural Dynamics default settings.
  • Added after-AGC singleband compressor to bottom display.
  • Bug fix: Loading partial presets caused Multiband and Natural Dynamics frequencies to be reset.
  • Added presets (Bojcha's King's Fire 2, which I used for demoing at the IBC).
  • 2013/09/05 v7.30
  • Added Mac OS X versions: Command line, stand alone (with JackOSX for now), VST
  • Added Natural Dynamics filter that increases dynamics of music with little dynamics.
  • Compressors (MB, SB): Improved limiter attack behavior. Much tighter and far less audible than before.
  • Compressors (MB, SB): Removed lookahead for limiter; smoothing in backward direction to avoid distortion.
  • Compressors (MB, SB): Added Attack and Release Flatness sliders. This non-default (not in standard compressors) behavior can give a much tighter sound with more dynamics, especially if combined with:
  • Compressors (MB, SB): Added Release Inertia. Don't slow down moving towards target level when getting close.
  • Compressors (MB, SB): Added "Traditional Peak" detection mode; uses less CPU but also sounds less good.
  • Multiband compressor: Improved limiter flat frequency response behavior: Much more-line with compression.
  • Multiband compressor: Improved Flat Frequency Response behavior, sweep is much flatter than before.
  • Added option to perform phase rotation at the beginning of the processing chain.
  • Changed AZIMUTH correction filter default settings.
  • Linux: Improved GUI update speed.
  • GUI: FM: Pre-emphasize output was confusing, now auto-enabled when RDS or stereo coding is used.
  • GUI: Limiting now displayed in dB's just like the rest of the data.
  • GUI: All ASIO settings are now available on a single page.
  • Bug fix: Multiband default frequencies (used for resetting) were incorrect after restart.
  • Bug fix: Removed printing from Jack thread in Linux, should allow lower latency.
  • Bug fix: Fixed low latency ASIO bug introduced in version 7.24.
  • Removed old Natural Dynamics implementation (saves 8MB of memory).
  • Added and updated presets.
  • 2013/07/17 v7.24
  • Linux versions are back, now with multi-threading and Jack sound card support!
  • AM stations: Added asymmetric clipping.
  • Much faster preset loading/saving and hence much faster booting and closing.
  • Improved low latency monitoring output (latency wasn't low enough and sound was sometimes bad).
  • Sound card handling improvement: Latency is now always exactly the same after (re)starting.
  • GUI: Entering registration key changed, overview of registered features added.
  • GUI: Errors are now displayed in sound card bars.
  • GUI: Remember sound card selection even if that sound card is not present anymore.
  • GUI: Slightly improved the mouse hold (slow slider movements) vs. non-hold detection.
  • Simplified a lot of code and moved any OS-specific code to separate files.
  • Bug fix: With Multicore disabled, Normal output didn't work in the stand alone version.
  • Bug fix: Very rare channel swapping issue in Windows due to a threading error.
  • Bug fix: Very rare hangup on sound card switching via GUI.
  • Updated some presets.
  • 2013/05/30 v7.23
  • FM: Improved Stokkemask (ITU-R.SM1268) clipper; less effect on audio (from 2 dB to 0.7 dB loss in highs).
  • FM: Added option to remove demodulated L/R spikes above 100% (level is configurable).
  • FM: BS412: Fixed small volume calculation bug in composite clipper mode.
  • FM: Added RF spectrum analyzer. Warning: Uses a lot of CPU power.
  • Bug fix: Some warnings kept coming back after restarting despite selecting 'don't show me again'.
  • Updated some presets.
  • 2013/05/16 v7.22
  • FM: RDS encoder bug introduced in 7.21 solved (long texts were broadcast at a far to high speed).
  • 2013/05/16 v7.21
  • FM: Improved Stokkemask (ITU-R.SM1268) filter for composite clipper (sounds better).
  • FM: Fixed several bugs, mainly noticeable in SSB mode, at lower Quality settings.
  • FM: SCA1 channel is now displayed in MPX graph.
  • Updated and added some presets.
  • 2013/05/07 v7.20
  • FM: Added composite clipper!
  • FM: Added SSB (Single Side Band) mode. (Requires composite clipper.)
  • FM: Added Multipath clipper. (Experimental! Requires composite clipper.)
  • Loudness: Improved Airy Highs. Highs now sound crisper and less 'tonal'.
  • Loudness: Rewrote clipper to reduce CPU load (Strictness can be set lower to give similar results).
  • Added Phase equalizer.
  • Updated and added many presets.
  • 2013/03/25 v7.10
  • User interface: 5 modes ranging from "Simple" to "Extreme Tweaker". "Basic" should be good for most people.
  • Greatly reduced CPU load of almost all filters. With identical settings, the CPU load is typically 12% reduced.
  • Singleband compressor completely redesigned.
        Keywords: Attack, release, release hold, ratio, feed forward vs feedback, lookahead, burst protection.
  • Multiband compressor completely redesigned: Configurable number of bands; monitoring individual bands, median display.
  • Added 'graphics' equalizer.
  • AGC: Added side chain.
  • AGC: Added singleband compressor after AGC.
  • AGC: Smoothed Band 1 to band 2 coupling.
  • AGC should work better if declipper or noise gate is activated.
  • Extra lowpass filter before processing to fix problems with songs with excessive very high frequency content.
        Set 0.25 kHz above actual LPF freq, but never below 16 kHz.
  • Loudness: Improved delayed bass clipping protection to cause less distortion.
  • Provision to discard buffer after a certain period of inactivity added for VST plugin.
  • FM: SCA was missing since version 7.00, added again.
  • Declipper: Reduced artifacts when using declipper in combination with non-phase linear highpass filter.
  • Declipper: Changed default settings based on input from Jesse Graffam.
  • Sound cards: 'Synchronize to output' now also works with Normal output.
  • User interface: Made 6 dB lines in meters more prominent.
  • Bug fix: Disabled mouse hold behavior for all widgets except sliders.
  • Updated and added many presets.
  • 2013/01/08 v7.03
  • Loudness: Added delayed bass clipping for better punch.
  • Loudness: Fixed Bass Shape artifacts, and now also works on higher frequencies.
  • Loudness: Added option to dynamically switch off distorted mids/highs for tones.
  • RDS: Better special character display in GUI.
  • Updated presets.
  • 2013/01/03 v7.02
  • Added 5.1 and 7.1 audio support (channels are declipped, highpass and lowpass filtered and clipped, nothing else yet).
  • Loudness: Improved bass clipper, better punch and warmer sound with more mid-bass. (old vs new)
  • Loudness: Removed volume drop between 2.8 and 3 kHz.
  • RDS: Added convertor from Windows-1252 to RDS characters to support special characters.
  • Installer made smaller by moving non-SSE2 version to a separate installer. Now below 1 MB again :)
  • Bug fix: Drawing issue in 7.00 and 7.01 pull-down menu's without scroll bar when using mouse wheel.
  • Bug fix: Left and right channels were sometimes swapped when loading a preset in 7.01.
  • Bug fix: Stokkemask clipper was broken in 7.01.
  • Carbon Coder plugin now supports R128 normalization for 5.1 and 7.1 audio.
  • Added some presets.
  • 2012/12/17 v7.01
  • Solved several VST GUI issues in several VST hosts.
  • Made VST window a bit bigger.
  • On loading built-in presets, most FM and sound card settings are no longer reset.
  • Volume increase on preset reload should not occur anymore, although I'm still getting reports that it does. But at least one cause is solved.
  • Added sound card restart button, was missing in version 7.00.
  • Bug fix: GUI unresponsive at very high CPU loads when you click right of text in text box.
  • Bug fix: BS412 acted weird with FM sound card enabled, pre-emphasize output disabled at low input sample rates.
  • Updated presets.
  • 2012/12/12 v7.00
  • Total GUI redesign. Interface dynamically adapts to screen size and is nearly touch screen ready (keyboard needed).
  • Added new version alerts and specific warnings which unregistered functions are in use.
  • Last selected preset name visible after restart.
  • Added web interface (no access protections yet).
  • Completely rewritten parameter handling code; solved bugs and reduced the chance of introducing new ones.
  • Added ability to reset, load and save parts of presets.
  • Added input sound card Gain control.
  • FM transmitter audio synchronization added to synchronize streaming audio at multiple transmnitter sites (experimental).
  • Loudness: Changed bass clipper behavior, flatter frequency response; sounds a bit warmer.
  • Loudness: Bass clipping filter bug fixes: Whistle artifacts gone, 'knock-on-wood' artifacts reduced.
  • Loudness: Airy Highs turned off if there are very little highs (reduces crackling sound that sometimes occurs).
  • Declipper: Reduced 'clicking' artifact in reconstructed audio.
  • Declipper: Improved splitting load over 2 cores.
  • FM test tones: Added Bessel null frequencies and "smooth square wave" (sounds less loud) test tone mode.
  • Removed a number of memory allocations/frees that occurred during processing.
  • Added a lot of presets.
  • Natural Dynamics is available in the GUI again, if you enable it explicitly in the INI file.
  • 2012/08/02 v6.32
  • Added sound card input and output tilt adjustment (2nd order).
  • Loudness: Changed clipper distortion masking model, giving less distortion at nearly the same highs level.
  • Loudness: Added "Airy highs", makes highs sound both louder and more natural (less restrained).
  • Loudness: Removed bugs that caused hole punching by loud highs.
  • Loudness: Highs Priority no longer causes volume drops caused by loud highs.
  • Loudness: Redesigned de-esser for pre-emphasized sound.
  • Bass sensitivity: If there are both mids and highs, the drop is a bit less strong than before.
  • Bass sensitivity: Determining more precisely when the clip is needed.
  • BS412: Added max deviation (+/- 75 kHz) display.
  • BS412: Added headroom slider. Determines margin for error to avoid sudden volume drops.
  • BS412: Max deviation can be lowered to create denser sound and protect against sound card problems.
  • BS412: Faster rise after fast drop for louder end result.
  • GUI: Added displays so you can see what is being sent out to the sound card (including calibrations).
  • GUI: Cleaned up Loudness panel (removed some things that are no longer needed).
  • Bug fix: Latency 512 didn't work properly.
  • Bug fix: Fixed GUI issue where singleband compressor settings were not always correctly loaded.
  • Bug fix: AXIA input sound card loading issue.
  • Added Carbon Coder plugin with multi-pass R128 support.
  • 2012/06/10 v6.31
  • AGC: Added a slider to protect against volume drops for loud voices.
  • Loudness: Improved overall filtering (removed post ringing) at latency 4096, sound is cleaner in many ways (especially bass). Added some new controls for configuring it ("Time Spread")
  • Loudness: Advanced Bass Distortion Protection: Improved bass clipper. Bass is now louder and clipped tighter
  • Loudness: Added bass shaping. Adds harmonics to very low frequencies to make them sound louder
  • Loudness: Allow turning highs intermodulation distortion off
  • Loudness: Added "highs priority" slider, increasing this reduces high frequency intermodulation distortion but may cause some drops in other frequencies
  • Loudness: Asymmetric bass reduction should not go below dynamic threshold
  • Loudness: Reduced strictness, the high precision wasn't really useful
  • Loudness: Split 'sensitivity' for bass clipper: Can now be configured separately for mids and highs. Result: more constant and higher bass level
  • Loudness: Turned off old bass protection mechanisms in default settings. Caused artifacts, no longer needed
  • Loudness: Reduced clipping strictness for mid-bass frequencies (lower CPU load)
  • Loudness: Increased de-esser range, and it can be turned off now
  • Loudness: Simplified clipping algorithm
  • Stereo Boost disabled for lowest frequencies (below approx. 140 Hz)
  • BS412 limiter: Show a warning and info when BS412 is enabled
  • BS412 limiter: Fixed drops issue. Very brief drops can still occur but they are usually hardly noticeable
  • BS412 limiter: Changed default values for more constant sound level
  • Added and updated many presets
  • Split values for Singleband, Singleband AGC style and BS412
  • Bug fix: Stereo Image was broken for latency 512
  • Bug fix: Icon now visible in stand alone version
  • Bug fix: Stokkemask clipper didn't work at latency 512.
  • 2012/04/11 v6.30
  • Major code cleanup and restructuring
  • Added BS412 limiter
  • Added Stokkemask clipper
  • Improved scope display (triggered)
  • Improved low latency (6 ms) monitoring output in Stand Alone version
  • Improved overall quality by changing the processing window shape for ALL filters
  • Added support for cheaper limited Winamp/DSP declipper license
  • Reduced CPU load when playing pure silence
  • AGC: Improved handling of sudden loud bursts
  • Loudness: Improved protection of mids against loud highs, which were causing drops ("holes") in the sound.
  • Loudness: Changed the bass protection shape
  • Loudness: Added protection against distortion caused by asymmetric bass sounds
  • Loudness: Slightly better protection of frequencies below 700 Hz against very loud bass
  • Loudness: Bass protection and de-esser levels were calculated incorrectly if Final Clipper was enabled with a volume other than 1.00
  • BS412 limiter now also works with 'Pre-emphasize output' disabled.
  • Phase rotator: Improved behavior and display
  • Bass AGC: Now works on a much smaller frequency range so it only affects really deep bass sounds
  • Bug fix: Changed default values for the "Allow more distortion" sliders in the VST version
  • Bug fix for Omnia 9: RDS A/B flag works properly now, and if you change the RadioText and there was no sequence of texts there the new text will start to be broadcast immediately
  • Bug fix: Forcibly remove DC offset in Loudness did not always work properly
  • Slightly reduced Loudness CPU load, but the new highs protection adds a lot more if it's enabled
  • 2011/12/12 v6.21
  • Added multicore support for Declipper and Loudness. Throughput is now 38% higher in presets that use both.
  • Loudness: Fixed a bug in the non-SSE2 version.
  • Declipper: Fixed memory bug in clipping detection. This may have lead to weird issues.
  • Improved performance when closing/minimizing Stereo Tool if the virus scanner NOD32 is used.
  • Bug fix: Loudness de-esser setting was not saved in VST plugin.
  • Bug fix: Loudness values above 3.00 were not loaded correctly in VST plugin.
  • Bug fix: TA button in main window did not work.
  • Changed a value in Bojcha's Neodymium preset.
  • There is now also a separate declipper program! See
  • 2011/10/25 v6.20
  • Added declipper filter
  • Loudness: Completely redesigned for more consistency, better transients, louder output and greatly improved highs. Punch is no longer needed.
  • Loudness: Improved vibrating voices filter caused by loud bass.
  • Loudness: New filter that removes highs distortion caused by loud bass, now allows bass levels upto 100% without (much) distortion in the highs.
  • Loudness: New filter that detects when highs cause volume drops in the rest of the sound, and briefly lowers the highs level.
  • Loudness: Added oversampling checkbox for streaming and mastering: This makes sure that no clipping will occur if the audio is upsampled afterwards.
  • Loudness: Added separate dirty bass / mids / highs sliders for better bass control and 'artistic' effects.
  • AGC: Redesigned to handle different input levels much better.
  • AGC: Enabled ITU-1770 support (for bass and head separately).
  • AGC: Added stereo separation control.
  • AGC: Added start level for mastering.
  • AGC: Separate "Remove remaining peaks" settings for lows and mid-highs.
  • AGC: Added "Force level below" slider for improved peak control. Forces the AGC level down faster if the difference gets too big.
  • Added Bass AGC filter to reduce excessive bass sounds.
  • Multiband: Added voice protection settings to better cope with loud vocals in music.
  • Multiband: Allow changing band frequencies (only via STS file).
  • Multiband: Added control of link between bands 1 and 2.
  • Pre-emphasis: Moved to end of processing, just before clipping.
  • Highpass filter: Improved filtering to reach a cleaner output.
  • Highpass filter: Added "order" setting for non-phase linear filter.
  • Improved audio processing window shape to reduce artifact levels.
  • Improved pre-ringing filtering to avoid artifacts that occurred before.
  • Added SCA output channels (SCA1 works, SCA2 is problematic due to the required frequency range).
  • Support added for multiple Stereo Tool installations with different settings per installed version (requested by Jazler).
  • Added registration to command line version.
  • Bug fix: Fixed "Test right channel" in "FM Transmitter Calibration" (broken in version 6.10).
  • Bug fix: FM Calibration frequencies 23-57 kHz were not at the correct frequencies.
  • Bug fix: Fixed left/right channel swap that could occur in the stand alone version.
  • Bug fix: AGC could hang in some cases when enabling more bands. Fixed.
  • Bug fix: Phase rotation did not sound good at low latencies in version 6.10.
  • Bug fix: Time zone in RDS was wrong.
  • GUI improvement: Made waveform background black.
  • RDS: Adjusted behavior if no special characters (<, >, |, ||) are used: Word wrap with centering is selected by default. This was done for the Omnia 9 that uses the Stereo Tool RDS encoder; the behavior is now identical for both systems.
  • RDS: Ignoring trailing spaces for word wrap.
  • Added a lot of presets.
  • Added interface for blind users. Set environment variable STBLIND to 1 or YES.
  • 2011/02/10 v6.10 Reduced latency:
  • Latency: ASIO: Add processing priority control to enable very low sound card latency (~ 1-3 ms) without hiccups; total latency of ~ 16 ms possible.
  • Latency: Upsampling (for FM) and downsampling (for high input sampling frequencies) no longer causes extra latency.
  • Latency: Reduced Composite Limiter latency from 1.7 ms to 0.9 ms at latencies 512 and 1024. Some (very small) effect on audio.
  • Latency: Found a bug that caused hiccups in audio processing, fixed it. Results in lower possible latency.
  • Latency: Pushing data to the output before the processing instead of afterwards to reduce latency.
  • Improved audio quality at low latencies:
  • Dynamically adjusting audio processing windows at low latencies to better match the type of audio that comes in.
  • Dynamically adjusting clipping effectiveness to avoid clipping 'too much' in certain conditions, depending on audio processing window and audio content. This protects soft highs against horrible vibration caused by bass sounds at latency 512 and (less) 1024.
  • Upsampling and downsampling: Far less artifacts caused, far cleaner output signal.
  • Created alternative Phase Rotation filter for low latencies (512, 1024).
  • Multiband: Added an 'artifact protection' step that limits the maximum difference in reduction between adjacent bands, if they cause too much (configurable) artifacts.
  • Multiband: Adapted frequency bands and band content to make Multiband at latency 512 sound as much as possible as higher latencies.
  • Loudness: Disabled Improved Bass Distortion Protection filter for latency 512 because it caused distortion.
  • Loudness: Fixed vibrations caused by Very deep bass distortion protection at latency 512 and 1024. Now also enabled for latency 512.
  • Hard Limit: Fixed (minor) artifacts in upsampled audio.
  • Bass Boost: Reduced artifacts at latency 512. Note: Using a less steep filter (bigger difference between frequencies) helps!
  • Other changes:
  • Loudness: Improved Punch filter: Now causes far less artifacts than before. But it is less effective for soft sounds.
  • Loudness: Removed distortion caused by Punch.
  • Bass Boost: Removed distortion.
  • Quality and Latency are now part of presets, and STS files.
  • Bug fix: Loading and saving Noise levels in VST version resulted in incorrect behavior.
  • Bug fix: Displayed Multiband output levels were unreliable at low latencies, especially clipping.
  • Bug fix: For high input sample rates, now removing very high frequencies that cause issues with Hard Limit.
  • ASIO: Added ASIO Configure button, which allows setting ASIO parameters such as ASIO buffer granularity.
  • ASIO: Changed buffer size configuration to match whole ASIO grains.
  • Added and updated a number of presets.
  • 2010/12/17 v6.00
  • Noise gate: Fixed crackling sounds in first band.
  • Added FM Hiss filter. Removes FM hiss from input signal, useful for re-transmitting FM signals.
  • AGC: Added 'Based on volume before Pre Amp' checkbox to make it easier to create presets with consistent behavior at different Pre Amp settings.
  • AGC bug fix: Behavior was different at different input sample rates.
  • AGC: Lock band 1 to band 2; if the bass is loud but not extremely loud it is not lowered. This avoids sound changes caused by the AGC, and results in a warmer, more natural sound.
  • Multiband: Added 'Flat frequency response' mode which works much better.
  • Multiband: Added display of the median amplification, useful for configuring Multiband settings.
  • Singleband: Added 'AGC style' mode. Doesn't seem too useful though.
  • Final Limiter: "DIFF" mode fixed.
  • Final limiter is now automatically bypassed when Loudness is used (improves audio quality and reduces CPU usage).
  • Loudness: Added filters to protect highs against loud bass sounds. The bass level can now be set much higher without causing distortion, even if Punch is used.
  • Loudness: Added 'maximum mirror reflection' to make the sound more natural (less metalic) and louder.
  • Loudness: Fixed 'Improved loudness distortion protection' artifacts.
  • Loudness: Fixed 'Very deep bass distortion protection' artifacts.
  • Loudness: Removed 'Allow louder lows' slider (no longer needed).
  • Loudness: De-esser: Replaced 'Allow louder highs' by an AGC.
  • Loudness: Added a slider to increase the dynamics of the output (by allowing some more harmonic distortion).
  • Loudness: Added a filter to protect certain sounds (female voices) against vibrating.
  • Loudness: Fixed dynamic Loudness input level behavior of Punch
  • Hard Limit: Added an extra slower Hard Limit phase; volume comes up slower when the peaks are really loud.
  • Added 'Lossy Compression (MP3/AAC/OGG/...) output optimization' filter for webradio stations. See this image for a display of the effect of different pre-emphasis values on 128 kbit/s MP3 files; this image displays a frequency analysis (high frequency content means clipping), again 128 kbit/s MP3, Post Amp at 90%.
  • FM Output: Repaired the lowpass filter which sometimes caused artifacts.
  • VST plugin notifies host of the delay.
  • VST plugin: Bypass mode fixed.
  • VST plugin: Removed separate window border, now loading inside host window.
  • VST plugin now also works in mAirList.
  • Improved handling of hiccups in the stand alone version when the CPU load gets very high.
  • Presets: Made Generic and Web Radio presets sound much closer to the sound of modern CDs.
  • Presets: Made FM presets sound much closer to that of popular hardware processors (more bass and highs, among others).
  • Presets: Added new user presets, removed some obsolete ones.
  • Command line version: Files larger than 2 GB can be processed now.
  • Linux version added! Both a standard command line version and one with a GUI.
  • 2010/07/18 v5.02 Cleaned up unused code:
  • Reduced executable size by around 40%, installer by 25%.
  • Reduced CPU load by 3-4%.
  • Reduced memory usage by over 4 MB (from over 24 MB to under 20 MB).
  • Removed part of Core Duo support from the SSE2 version (no effect on performance, only increased file size).
  • Removed SSE2 support from the SSE version (which was accidentally included in it).
  • Fixed Windows Vista "This program might not have installed correctly" warning.
  • "VISIT SITE" button was being redrawn continuously - fixed.
  • SSE (Pentium 3) version: Replaced some 'generic' code by SSE code (70% performance boost).
  • 2010/06/12 v5.01
  • Multiband: Very large differences between equalizer or soft limit settings in the lowest bands are handled correctly now.
  • AGC: Improved handling of sudden spikes.
  • AGC: 'Remove remaining peaks' gives far less artifacts, sounds more stable.
  • AGC: Introducted dynamic hold time to improve control of output level (much closer for tracks with very different dynamics contents).
  • AGC: Fixed bug that could cause strange behavior durig absolute silence.
  • AGC: Added possibility to work on 2 channels combined, instead of just operating on them separately.
  • AGC: Added gating.
  • AGC: Added 3rd band for improved highs control.
  • Noise gate: Disabled 1st band because it caused artifacts.
  • 2010/05/04 v5.00
  • Completely redesigned the processing pipeline to reduce the maximum latency from over 1.5 seconds to at most 0.1 second, with a better sound quality.
  • Made latency configurable in 4 steps: 512 (ca. 13 ms), 1024 (25 ms), 2048 (47 ms) or 4096 (93 ms, best quality) samples.
  • Reduced CPU usage by more than 50%.
  • Replaced 3 quality modes (LO, MID, HI) by a continuous slider.
  • Reduced memory usage by 17 MB.
  • Replaced Pre Limiter by an RMS-based 1 or 2-band AGC, which controls the volume much better.
  • Added a Bass Boost filter.
  • Added Phase Rotation filter that greatly improves the sound quality of many difficult sounds (trumpets, female voices) when loud output levels are required.
  • Added a filter that removes any pre-ringing (weird sounds before a sound burst) which was present in older Stereo Tool versions.
  • Improved the Multiband clippers audio quality: Multiband clipping sound much cleaner now.
  • Removed "Trumpet sound filter" from earlier versions that was intended to improve the quality of certain sounds, but also caused a lot of side effects (no longer needed due to the new phase rotation filter).
  • Removed Multiband HQ mode (no longer needed).
  • Made main window resizable and maximizable.
  • Bug: No 2 Stereo Tool instances can be loaded in a VST engine based using the same Stereo Tool DLL file. A popup now displays this message and gives a workaround.
  • Presets updated (now using Bass Boost and Phase Rotation where appropriate) or added.
  • RDS without stereo no longer generates a 19 kHz pilot tone.
  • In case of FM output, "normal output" is closer to the FM sound, and the FM sound is clipped better before 'FM Overdrive' - using FM Overdrive now leads to a 3% louder output signal than before with better quality.
  • Input and output volume meters blink in red to indicate clipping if the maximum volume is reached (input) or surpassed (output).
  • Improved performance of waveform and MPX display.
  • Improved dithering (final step in processing): If audio is not changed, dithering doesn't change the sound anymore.
  • Bug fix: VST version now allows opening multiple instances of Stereo Tool (earlier versions crashed).
  • Bug fix: Hangups when playing .WAV or lossless files in Winamp.
  • Bug fix: RDS AF (Alternative Frequencies) was not turned off properly if no frequencies are specified. It might have worked, or no, depending on the receiver.
  • Added warnings about sound quality when latency is reduced or FM pre-emphasis is enabled.
  • "Configure Audio and Display" button blinks when audio is being removed due to the "Clear buffer if no data arrives for" setting.
  • Waveform display indicates Bypass mode.
  • Improved looks of tray icon.
  • Bug fix: Bypass all in ASIO mode (stand alone) now works properly.
  • RDS volume adjusted: It was slightly louder than the setting.
  • 2009/10/30 v4.22
  • Loudness: Added yet another filter ("Very deep bass distortion protection") to reduce bass distortion and make the total sound cleaner.
  • Loudness: Now bypassing Punch for frequencies below 45 Hz for cleaner output sound.
  • Loudness: Improved handling of female voices and xylophone-on-top-of-low-strings sounds, leading also to an overall more natural sound.
  • Re-organized Loudness window. Should be clearer now.
  • Stereo Boost: Added a filter that removes excessive reverb that occurs in some songs. The result is much closer to the original sound, but still with strongly increased stereo.
  • 2009/10/20 v4.21
  • Bug fix: VST plugin version: Some version 4.00+ parameters were not saved.
  • Slightly improved some presets.
  • 2009/10/18 v4.20
  • Loudness: Added a filter to reduce bass distortion. Bass levels can now be set much higher without getting more distortion than before, or kept at the same level for better sound quality.
  • Loudness: Added a deep bass boost filter that boost very low (up to about 70 Hz) bass sounds by about 1.5 dB (at 100 Hz the bass is about 0.8 dB softer though).
  • Loudness: Added a limiter to the Clean/Punch filter to remove distortion caused when setting it close to Punch. Moved Clean/Punch default setting closer to Punch.
  • Low Quality mode: Changed the processing that is used for low quality mode. Quality is much better than before, and the CPU load is reduced.
  • Low Latency mode: Fixed some issues in the low latency processing. Latency is now approx. 100 ms lower than before, quality is much closer to that of normal latency processing.
  • Noise gate: Noise reduction can now be set for each frequency band.
  • Added a number of presets with more bass.
  • Added Marino's Urban preset to Web Radio presets.
  • 2009/09/10 v4.10
  • Added new stereo widening filter: Stereo Boost.
  • Updated most of the presets to use the new Stereo Boost filter.
  • Reduced the minimum value for the gap detection time.
  • 2009/08/11 v4.05
  • Bug fix: No audio problem unless 'bypass' is used solved.
  • Bug fix: Too long delay in tray icon volume display solved.
  • Improved Hard Compression: Dance presets.
  • 2009/07/19 v4.04
  • Bug fix: Under certain circumstances occasional hangups could occur. That should be solved now.
  • Single core systems were not properly recognized and used code that was optimized for multicore systems. The CPU load on single core systems should be slightly lower now.
  • 2009/06/28 v4.03
  • Loudness filter: Improved the filter that detects high frequency distortion caused by very low frequencies. Low frequencies are now much louder, and distortion is greatly reduced.
  • Loudness filter: Added a slider to choose between clean sound (with ringing artifacts) or punchy, as-close-as-possible to the original sound. Punchy sounds a lot better, but it may introduce some distortion (which is largely solved by the fix on the previous line).
  • When opening a window that was already open, it jumps to the front now.
  • Stereo Tool logo added to the window title bar, also displayed now when using ALT-TAB.
  • 2009/06/18 v4.02
  • Bug fix: Version 4.01 crashed on some Vista systems.
  • 2009/06/17 v4.01
  • Loudness filter: Improved bass sound, especially for high (3.0+) Loudness values.
  • Bug fix: VST plugins working again.
  • Interface: When clicking on a panel which' window is already open, it jumps to the front.
  • 2009/06/12 v4.00
  • Redesigned the interface. The main window is now smaller and less crowded. Each filter has its own window now, and many values are displayed in dB also.
  • The output displays in the main window are now synchronized to each other, and can be synchronized to the audio player sound card output.
  • Added a fix for the annoying "part of the previous song gets played at the start of the next song" problem in Winamp. Note that this fix is a workaround for what is essentially a problem of Winamp, and it may not be perfect.
  • Reorganized the Presets pulldown menu, and added the 10 last used preset files to the list. Also the currently selected preset is visible in the Presets pulldown button now.
  • Added more control over how the Loudness filter works. It's now possible to allow more highs or more lows to pass through (this may cause some distortion though).
  • Pre Limiter is now using perceptive volume instead of peak level for much better initial volume control.
  • Added a filter to remove remaining loud peaks after the Pre Limiter filter. The Pre Limiter works with a delay, the new filter is a lookahead filter that removes remaining peaks, which occur mostly at the start of a new track after some silence.
  • Final limiter now has an option to use less CPU power (in that case it doesn't preserve the volume).
  • Added a pre-final limiter filter for loud peaks (the normal Final Limiter is loudness preserving, but it doesn't handle very loud sounds well. This pre-final limiter filter removes those very loud sounds.)
  • Loudness filter: The Loudness filter can now handle much louder peaks than before. This even makes it possible to use the Loudness filter as a limiter.
  • Loudness filter: Loud "S" sounds now cause far less bass level reduction - so the sound is more stable.
  • Loudness filter: Added a filter that detects and removes high frequency distortion caused by loud deep bass sounds.
  • Loudness filter: Improved the filtering so it sounds smoother now. And with the same settings the sound is slightly louder than before with less artifacts.
  • RDS: Added "Now playing" support for Winamp plugins without the need to use external files.
  • RDS: Added date and time displays.
  • Improved the HARD LIMIT filter, sound should more consistent (less pumping) now.
  • Included the Singleband Compressor from versions 2.11 and below again. It's available from the Limiting & Loudness window.
  • Added some presets made by Vamprecords, SuperH and Bojcha.
  • Added a "Bypass all" button on the main window.
  • Added "FM RDS TA" button on the main window so traffic announcements can now be indicated without opening the FM configuration window.
  • Performance: On multicore systems, the processing now uses multiple threads. Some slower AMD dualcore PCs couldn't handle FM output in High quality, now they can.
  • Fixed a bug: The highpass filter seems to have been disabled when Multiband compression is turned on since version 3.50.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause blocks of bad pixels in the user interface.
  • Fixed a bug that caused presets to sound slightly different when they were selected while audio was playing.
  • Fixed a bug: On startup, even if Multiband HQ was ticked Multiband didn't run in HQ mode.
  • Greatly reduced the gaps that occur when switching between presets.
  • Uncoupled screen redraws from processing. This allows Windows to select a different CPU for screen updates on multicore systems, and they might get disabled temporarily on single CPU systems when the load is high.
  • 2009/04/23 v3.55
  • Loudness filter: Louder and more stable bass sound.
  • Soundcard support (stand alone version, Direct Soundcard Output on plugin versions): No more stuttering when the output buffer is empty, instead a short break is inserted such that the buffer is filled again when playback resumes. (No change for ASIO output).
  • 2009/04/18 v3.54
  • Loudness filter: Warmer, louder and more stable sound with deeper bass and cleaner highs.
  • Added wave input and output displays.
  • Added MPX spectrogram display for FM output.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Loudness filter in Normal quality mode to sound softer (+ 0.3 dB for Loudness 4.0).
  • 2009/04/04 v3.53
  • FM transmitter bug fix: In version 3.52 the improved filtering caused RDS reception problems on some (mainly German) FM receivers. Fixed.
  • 2009/04/04 v3.52
  • Stereo widener is now almost as strong as in versions before 3.51, but with far less artifacts than before. Especially low quality MP3s should sound a lot better.
  • FM transmitters: MPX filtering cleaned up further, noise level is now around 90 dB below the actual signal (used to be about 30 dB).
  • Very minor change in pre-filtering steps that should slightly improve the handling of loud high frequencies.
  • 2009/04/02 v3.51
  • FM transmitters: Improved filtering for a cleaner MPX signal.
  • Stereo widener causes less artifacts, but also has a bit less effect.
  • 2009/04/01 v3.50
  • Loudness filter: Recalibrated to achieve a much cleaner and louder sound. Distortion that was still present in version 3.40 is now nearly gone, and values up to 3.00 sound good.
    Values up to 4.00 are now allowed.
    Loud highs now have far less effect on the loudness of the other sounds - so it sounds much more stable.
    Added a filter to improve trumpet sounds.
    Improved quality and loudness of deep bass sounds.
  • Improved FM pre-emphasis to match the official specification (in older versions the pre-emphasis wasn't strong enough, so this new version sounds brighter.)
  • Volume slider now show both pre-emphasized and de-emphasized output levels.
  • Changed Multiband compressor to get a warmer output sound with lower peak levels.
  • Improved the HARD LIMIT filter to sound cleaner, cause far less pumping, and to achieve a louder output volume.
  • Hard Limit filter is now also used if Direct Sound Card Output is used.
  • Improved the composite limiter filter to cause far less pumping, and to achieve a louder and cleaner output volume.
  • Updated presets, added FM Extreme preset.
  • Improved Lowpass filter to filter closer to the selected lowpass frequency (important for AM presets).
    Also the filtering quality is now much better - the spectrum above the filtering frequency is now really empty.
  • Bug fix: Fake stereo didn't work in version 3.40 - it does work again now.
    The CPU load is about 5-10% higher than that of version 3.40 - measured using the FM Loud preset.
  • 2008/12/03 v3.40
  • Loudness filter: Completely rewritten. Now reaches much louder sounds (up to +12 dB) with far less effects on the sound quality. Even notoriously difficult sounds such as xylophones are now handled without introducing distortion.
  • Added FM transmitter calibration. If you are having problems with your FM signal (caused by low quality transmitter equipment, sound card, long cables etc.), you can now configure Stereo Tool to accomodate for that. (On my system, stereo separation is increased by 15 dB after calibrating!)
  • Composite limiter now operates at 705.6 or 768 kHz. This removes peaks that were introduced by the lowpass filter of the sound card.
  • Hard limit now operates at 352.8 or 384 kHz. This removes peaks that were introduced by the lowpass filter of the sound card.
  • Removed the Loudness ++ option because it is no longer needed.
  • Tweaked the presets to take advantage of the improved Loudness filter (more punch).
    The CPU load is roughly identical to that of version 3.30 in Low and Normal quality mode as long as the composite limiter oversampling is not used. And it will be a lot slower on PC's without SSE2 support.
  • 2008/09/01 v3.30 Composite limiter added. Gives about 7% (0.5 dB) extra loudness on FM transmitters, without affecting the FM Pilot and RDS signals.
    Memory footprint reduced by about 12 MB (3.29 used 34 MB, 3.30 uses 22 MB)
    2008/08/26 v3.29 Bug fix: Lowpass filter filtered at the wrong (too low) frequency when using high (> 60 kHz) input samplerates.
    2008/08/24 v3.28 Small (6-10%) performance improvement.
    Improved Final limiter filter: More stable output.
    Added Highpass filter to filter out low rumbling sounds (especially useful when playing from vinyl) and sounds that may interfere with FM stereo transmissions.
    Added VST plugin version (beta!).
    2008/08/16 v3.27 Huge performance improvement (48% faster than 3.26 - although still 6% slower than in versions 3.21 and older versions).
    Improved Final limiter filter: More stable output.
    Improved Loudness filter: Switch ("++") available to choose between loudest possible sound (same as in older versions) or slightly less loudness with much better sound quality.
    2008/08/12 v3.26 Improved Loudness filter: Distortion caused when a large amount of high frequencies was present (mainly FM pre-emphasized sounds) is reduced.
    2008/08/11 v3.25 Improved Loudness filter: Removed edges in the sound.
    Updated FM presets for a more stable (less pumping) sound.
    2008/08/08 v3.24 Improved Loudness filter: Reduced pumping for loud bass or hi-hat sounds at high Loudness settings.
    Spoken text for unregistered versions increased from once every 24 hours to once every 12 hours.
    Pop-up added requesting to register (shown only once every 30 days).
    2008/08/03 v3.23
    Redesigned Loudness filter processing: Same volume and clarity as older versions, but with quality of 3.22.
    Far lower CPU usage for loudness filter in High Quality mode.
    Redesigned Final Limiter and Loudness filter for better sound quality. Suggested new setting: 0.01 s.
    2008/07/24 v3.22 Improved Loudness filter processing: Much less distortion.
    Increased maximum Loudness setting from 1.75 to 2.0.
    Bug fix: Loudness filter in High Quality mode caused a slight phase shift. Resolved.
    2008/07/22 v3.21 Improved Final Pre-limiter: More powerful highs for FM pre-emphasized sounds.
    Improved Loudness filter processing: Better highs.
    Increased maximum Loudness setting from 1.5 to 1.75. Warning: Values above 1.5 cause some distortion for loud sounds. Only use it for sounds that don't often peak to the maximum volume.)
    Changed presets for more punchy sound, Radio presets also for more punchy bass.
    Bug fix: (De)selecting Low Latency no longer causes continuous static.
    2008/07/15 v3.20 Stand-alone version: Added ASIO support for lower latency (10 ms microphone-to-speaker without processing). ASIO is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
    Added low latency processing mode (200 ms latency with all processing enabled).
    Improved sound quality for bass sounds (multiband compressor, stereo image filter).
    FM pilot tone and RDS signal volume can be adjusted.
    Bug fix: Linked sliders (up speed, down delay) now remain linked properly.
    2008/06/08 v3.14 Stand-alone version: Fixed a bug that caused crashes.
    Stand-alone version: Fixed a bug that caused strange sounds on non-SSE2 machines.
    Stand-alone version: Fixed a bug that could cause continuous hiccups in the sound when the CPU load was very high (unlikely).
    Added more feedback on sound card problems: A red bar now indicates an error.
    Improved the performance of the FM pre-emphasis filter.
    Fixed a bug to support 32/64/128 kHz input for FM transmissions.
    64/128 kHz input is now processed at 32 kHz if "Process as 44.1 kHz" is enabled (previously 64 kHz). This reduces the CPU load.
    2008/06/05 v3.13 Improved sound quality for FM transmitters (brighter, better highs).
    Save bug which caused Stereo Tool to keep starting up in simple mode fixed.
    Fixed a bug which made it impossible to select Windows Audio Mapper as output device.
    Fixed a bug that could cause Stereo Tool to produce silence when leaving Simple mode, restart was needed.
    2008/06/03 v3.12 Stand-alone version added. Added ability to change Stereo Tool settings while running from external scripts.
    Minor bug fix during saving of STS file.
    2008/05/28 v3.11 Re-added Channel Delay fake stereo filter (now part of the Stereo Image filter).
    Fixed STS load file bug which could cause some values not to be refreshed.
    Fixed STS load bug in Basic mode which could cause the sound to drop to silence.
    2008/05/24 v3.10 Direct soundcard access, bypassing Winamp limitations, to make broadcasting FM stereo and RDS easier.
    Up to three different output channels: Normal processing, FM stereo and RDS signal, and low quality low latency signal for listening in while broadcasting live.
    RDS support: Added PI, PTY, RadioText, ClockTime, M/S, TA, TP, Stereo, Compression, Artificial Head.
    Improved sound quality (slightly warmer sound for certain types of sounds.). Presets use a lower Pre Amp value for better results.
    Added a noise gate (noise removal) filter. (Removed Channel Delay to make room for it.)
    No more low or high pitched sounds when changing to a lower or higher sampling rate.
    Solved problem that could cause hiccups in some rare circumstances.
    Added Speech preset, updated other presets to use the noise gate filter.
    2008/04/22 v3.03 Added Basic interface for easier control than the (original) Advanced interface.
    Improved Compression (Loud) presets (better sound quality).
    Solved a bug that could cause Winamp to crash when Stereo Tool was closed very quickly after opening it.
    2008/04/18 v3.02 Improved performance on AMD CPUs.
    Improved FM transmitter presets (better sound quality).
    2008/04/10 v3.01 Bug fix: Startup problem in SAM4 solved. This bug may have caused other problems as well.
    2008/04/05 v3.0 Greatly improved performance using hand-optimized SSE2 code.
    Added dualband pre-limiter.
    Increased number of multiband compressor channels from 8 to 10 for deeper bass sounds.
    Added multiband clippers for a more stable sound with less remaining peaks.
    Added multiband "feedback" loop which feeds the total output volume back into the multiband compressor, to enable better control of the maximum output volume.
    Added multiband compressor HQ mode for much better bass quality.
    Added multiband post filter for improved sound quality, when using agressive multiband compression settings.
    Added possibility to limit the maximum phase difference between the two channels in the stereo image filter.
    Added a 3-step final limiter to enable creating a completely flat output level without pumping or distortion.
    Added a "loudness" filter which can make audio sound up to 5.5 dB louder without generating louder peaks.
    Added FM stereo encoder for FM transmitters.
    Added RDS encoder for FM transmitters (still very limiter in this version).
    Added vertical scrollbar for small displays.
    Added bypass mode: When iconified, right-click on the Stereo Tool icon to turn it on or off.
    Updated the presets to make use of the new features.
    Removed singleband compressor.
    Removed "normal" interface, only simple and extended are left.
    2007/??/?? v2.11 Bug fix: Clipping problem in 24 bit audio solved.
    2007/03/18 v2.10 Added single bass speaker mode. This solves bass sound cancellation issues if a single bass speaker is used.
    Added an automatic phasing (azimuth) detection and correction filter. This improves the sound of some recordings (including many cheap CDs with old music) and tapes. Bug fix: "libguide" conflict with other plugins and SAM4 MP3 output resolved.
    2006/10/03 v2.05 Bug fix: Presets pulldown menu now functions properly on all Windows versions (many thanks to Bob Evans for telling me how to solve it!)
    2006/09/12 v2.04 Bug fix: Stereo Tool now correctly displays the output bars also when the Windows font size has been changed.
    2006/09/07 v2.03 Sound quality improvement: Improved handling of very low frequencies. The rumbling sound that was sometimes present in older versions is now almost completely eliminated.
    2006/06/13 v2.02 Bug fix: Stereo Tool now also supports non-32 bits displays. 32 and 16 bits displays are supported in color, others in black and white.
    2006/05/26 v2.01 Fixed a bug that caused Stereo Tool not to be recognized correctly by SpacialAudio software such as SAM3 and the Winamp DSP Stacker plugin.
    2006/05/03 v2.0 Added a lowpass filter.
    Added Load, Save and Reset button functionality.
    Added presets.
    Added minimize/iconify option, and startup minimized setting.
    Added 8, 24 and 32 bits audio support.
    Added different interfaces (simple, normal, extended).
    Added multiband limiter/compressor slider.
    Added singleband limiter/compressor slider.
    Added a channel delay slider, for fake stereo.
    Greatly reduced CPU usage, SSE2 support for P4 added.
    Added sound quality setting to further reduce the CPU usage.
    Output displays are now drawn on screen as bitmaps instead of progress bars. This gives better results, especially on Windows XP.
    Increased the down speed setting range, changed the way these values are displayed.
    Settings are now saved in the default INI file directory instead of C:\ .
    Added a help website instead of the old text file.
    2005/10/02 v1.12 Extremely high CPU load problem fixed, could (at least theoretically) occur on some Winamp versions or with some audio formats.
    2005/09/27 v1.11 Lockup problem fixed, when "stop" is pressed in WinAmp lockups should not occur anymore.
    2005/09/23 v1.1 Initial release
    2004/11/16 v1.0 Initial unreleased version