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Information on our website
Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. pays the highest possible attention to the reliability and relevance of the information on its website. However, Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. does not accept responsibility for any incomplete or inaccurate information that might be accessed via this website. The use of any information obtained via this website is at the user’s own risk.

Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. accepts no liability for damage resulting from incorrect or incomplete information, nor for any damage resulting from problems caused by the dissemination of information via the internet. In addition, Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. accepts no liability for disruptions, interruptions or delays that occur in the provision of information or services.

Furthermore, Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. accepts no liability for any possible damage suffered as the result of using the information, advice or ideas supplied by or on behalf of Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. via this website.

Hyperlinks on and to our website
This website contains (hyper) links to the websites of other organisations and institutions. In addition, links from other websites connect to this website. Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of these (linked) websites. Such (hyper) links are only included for your information and convenience.

Information on the website
If information on the website is also supplied in written form, in case of textual differences, the written version will prevail. Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. does not guarantee that e-mails or other electronic messages sent to it will be received and processed in a timely manner, and accepts no liability for the consequences of failed or delayed receipt, or processing thereof. Furthermore, we guarantee that your data will be treated as confidential and will not be passed on to third parties.


Careful handling of personal data is of great importance to Thimeo Audio Technology B.V.. Personal data is therefore processed carefully and securely. We are compliant with legislation and regulations in the field of personal data protection, such as the Data Protection Act.

Clickstream data and Cookies
Visitor data, such as the visitor’s most requested pages, is recorded on the website. The aim of this is to optimise the design of the website. These data may be used to insert information relevant to you about the pages you visit, for example, special messages in your fields of interest or promotions from advertisers. In this way, the service we offer you can be optimised further.

In addition, we may make use of cookies when offering services. A cookie is a small text file, which is placed on your computer hard drive when you visit a website. A cookie contains information that allows you to be identified as a visitor every time you visit the website. It is then possible to tailor the website specifically to you, and/or to make logging-in easier. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, without having any major impact on your ability to use the website. However, the consequence may be that some parts may be reduced or no longer accessible to you.

Links to other websites
On the website, you may occasionally find links to other websites. Although these websites are chosen carefully, we cannot accept any liability in respect of the use of your data by these organisations. Please read the privacy statement, if there is one, for the website you are visiting.

We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy statement. Therefore, regularly check the privacy statement for updates to our privacy policy.